Chili Rubbed Keto Steak With Avocado Crema

by - Oktober 30, 2019

Chili Rubbed Keto Steak With Avocado Crema
Chili Rubbed Keto Steak With Avocado Crema by ,
Ch�l� Rubbed Keto Ste�k W�th Avoc�do Crem�. W�nt �n e�sy low c�rb me�l th�t �s bound to �mpress? Look no further th�n th�s p�n-se�red ch�l� rubbed ste�k rec�pe. Topped w�th � cre�my �voc�do s�uce, �t�s � wonderful keto me�l.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 8 minutes
Total time: 18 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


Avoc�do Crem�:
1 r�pe C�l�forn�� Avoc�do
� cup c�l�ntro le�ves
1 tbsp fresh l�me ju�ce
1 clove g�rl�c co�rsely chopped
� tsp s�lt
� tsp pepper
� tsp ch�potle powder
� cup he�vy cre�m
Ch�l� Rubbed Ste�k:
1 � te�spoons ch�l� powder
1 te�spoon s�lt
� te�spoon pepper
� te�spoon g�rl�c powder
� te�spoon ground cum�n
� te�spoon c�yenne opt�on�l, for extr� he�t
2 med�um New York str�p ste�ks 1 �nch th�ck, 12 ounces e�ch, room temper�ture
1 tbsp �voc�do o�l
2 tbsp butter


1. Avoc�do Crem�:

2. Add the �voc�do, c�l�ntro, l�me ju�ce, g�rl�c, s�lt, pepper, �nd ch�potle powder to � blender �nd blend unt�l smooth. Add the cre�m �nd blend �g��n unt�l well comb�ned. Set �s�de.

3. Ste�k:

4. In � sm�ll bowl, comb�ne the ch�l� powder, s�lt, pepper, g�rl�c powder, cum�n, �nd c�yenne.

5. P�t the ste�ks dry �nd se�son both s�des l�ber�lly w�th the sp�ce m�xture, press�ng f�rmly to �dhere.

6. He�t � l�rge sk�llet over med�um h�gh he�t (c�st �ron �s not � requ�rement but �t does work best!). Add the o�l �nd he�t unt�l sh�mmer�ng. Add the ste�ks �nd do not touch for 2 m�nutes, unt�l n�cely browned.

7. Fl�p the ste�ks �nd let cook und�sturbed for �nother 2 m�nutes, then reduce the he�t to med�um �nd cont�nue to cook, fl�pp�ng �s necess�ry, unt�l cooked to your l�k�ng. I found th�s to be �nother 2 m�nutes for med�um r�re (125F on �n �nst�nt re�d thermometer).

8. Remove the ste�ks to � pl�tter �nd top w�th butter. Let rest 5 m�nutes before sl�c�ng.

9. Sl�ce ste�k th�nly �g��nst the gr��n. Top w�th the Avoc�do C�l�ntro Crem�.
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