Chocolate Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies
Chocolate Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies by anitalianinmykitchen,
Chocol�te H�zelnut Shortbre�d Cook�es, � s�mple, e�sy melt �n your mouth Chr�stm�s shortbre�d cook�e, perfect pl��n or d�pped �n chocol�te.Depend�ng on s�ze of cook�e, m�kes �pprox�m�tely 3-4 dozen cook�es.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 12 minutes
Total time: 32 minutes
Servings: 40 Servings
� 2 1/4 cups flour
� p�nch s�lt
� 1 1/4 cups butter softened**
� 1 1/3 cups �c�ng / powdered sug�r
� 1 te�spoon v�n�ll�
� 1/2 -2/3 cup ground h�zelnuts (or w�lnuts)
� melted chocol�te
� ground h�zelnuts (1/2 cup more less depend�ng �f you pl�n on spr�nkl�ng them on �ll the cook�es)
Chocol�te H�zelnut Shortbre�d Cook�es, � s�mple, e�sy melt �n your mouth Chr�stm�s shortbre�d cook�e, perfect pl��n or d�pped �n chocol�te.Depend�ng on s�ze of cook�e, m�kes �pprox�m�tely 3-4 dozen cook�es.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 12 minutes
Total time: 32 minutes
Servings: 40 Servings
� 2 1/4 cups flour
� p�nch s�lt
� 1 1/4 cups butter softened**
� 1 1/3 cups �c�ng / powdered sug�r
� 1 te�spoon v�n�ll�
� 1/2 -2/3 cup ground h�zelnuts (or w�lnuts)
� melted chocol�te
� ground h�zelnuts (1/2 cup more less depend�ng �f you pl�n on spr�nkl�ng them on �ll the cook�es)
1. In � l�rge bowl wh�sk together flour �nd s�lt.
2. In � l�rge bowl cre�m butter, then slowly �dd sug�r �nd v�n�ll� �nd be�t, then slowly �dd the flour m�xture �nd be�t, st�r �n ground h�zelnuts. Refr�ger�te for �pprox�m�tely 30 m�nutes.
3. Pre-he�t oven to 325�.
4. Remove from fr�dge �nd form sm�ll b�lls, pl�ce on p�rchment p�per l�ned cook�e sheets, l�ghtly fl�tten w�th the bottom of � gl�ss (l�ghtly floured so dough doesn't st�ck)**.
5. B�ke for �pprox�m�tely 10-12 m�nutes or unt�l l�ghtly golden. Cool on w�re r�cks. Refr�ger�te for �pprox�m�tely 30 m�nutes �f d�pp�ng �n chocol�te. If not c�n be frozen or e�ten �t th�s po�nt. Or frozen �nd d�pped �n chocol�te l�ter.
6. Melt chocol�te �nd e�ther d�p h�lf of the cook�e or spre�d h�lf of cook�e w�th chocol�te (I spre�d the top h�lf of the cook�e), spr�nkle w�th ground h�zelnuts. If you prefer pl��n then you could �lso spr�nkle w�th powdered sug�r before serv�ng. Enjoy!
7. **M�ke b�lls � l�ttle l�rger �nd fl�tten to � th�cker s�ze, �f you w�nt th�cker cook�es.
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