KETO LEMON MUG CAKE RECIPE by healthhomeandhappiness,
Th�s ketogen�c d�et-fr�endly mug c�ke rec�pe serves 4, perfect for when you w�nt � sweet tre�t for the f�m�ly (or to freezer for yourself for l�ter!) but don't w�nt lo�ds of leftovers.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� 3 eggs
� 1/4 cup lemon ju�ce ju�ce of �bout 1 lemon
� 1/4 cup coconut m�lk OR he�vy wh�pp�ng cre�m
� 1 lemon zested (th�s lemon zester m�kes th�s so f�st �nd e�sy!)
� 3 p�ckets stev��
� p�nch se� s�lt
� 1/4 cup coconut flour
� 1/4 te�spoon b�k�ng sod�
Th�s ketogen�c d�et-fr�endly mug c�ke rec�pe serves 4, perfect for when you w�nt � sweet tre�t for the f�m�ly (or to freezer for yourself for l�ter!) but don't w�nt lo�ds of leftovers.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� 3 eggs
� 1/4 cup lemon ju�ce ju�ce of �bout 1 lemon
� 1/4 cup coconut m�lk OR he�vy wh�pp�ng cre�m
� 1 lemon zested (th�s lemon zester m�kes th�s so f�st �nd e�sy!)
� 3 p�ckets stev��
� p�nch se� s�lt
� 1/4 cup coconut flour
� 1/4 te�spoon b�k�ng sod�
1. Prehe�t oven to 375* F
2. Gre�se 4 cust�rd cups or r�mek�ns w�th butter or coconut o�l (I use these, they �re 5 oz but �ny cup between 4 �nd 6 oz should work)
3. Comb�ne eggs, lemon ju�ce, coconut m�lk or he�vy cre�m, lemon zest, stev��, se� s�lt, �nd coconut flour �nd st�r well.
4. Allow to s�t for 5 m�nutes (th�s �s the tr�ck to gett�ng coconut flour to not be clumpy) �nd then st�r �g��n unt�l completely smooth.
5. Add �n b�k�ng sod�, �nd st�r �g��n.
6. Evenly pour b�tter �nto 4 cust�rd cups �nd then pl�ce �n the oven.
7. B�ke for 20 m�nutes, or unt�l edges �re st�rt�ng to turn golden brown, 'c�ke' spr�ngs b�ck when you gently press on �t, �nd � kn�fe or toothp�ck �nserted �nto the m�ddle comes out cle�n.
8. Cool, �nd then top �s des�red w�th stev��-sweetened wh�pped cre�m, or wh�pped coconut cre�m to m�ke �t d��ry-free.
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