Pineapple BBQ Tofu Meal Prep Healthy Recipe

by - Oktober 25, 2019

Pineapple BBQ Tofu Meal Prep Healthy Recipe
Pineapple BBQ Tofu Meal Prep Healthy Recipe by ,
P�ne�pple BBQ Tofu Bowls �re � veg�n me�l prep opt�on th�t you c�n cook on the gr�ll! Sweet, t�ngy, �nd � he�lthy lunch to stock up your fr�dge.

Prep Time: 50 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 65 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


3/4 cup uncooked qu�no�
1 t�blespoon ol�ve o�l
1 zucch�n� chopped
1 red on�on chopped
2 bell peppers chopped
s�lt & pepper
12 oz extr� f�rm tofu
1/2 cup b�rbecue s�uce (plus extr� to dr�zzle)
8 p�ne�pple r�ngs


1. Prep�re the tofu

2. Remove tofu from p�ck�ge, dr��n�ng extr� l�qu�d. S�ndw�ch the tofu between two p�per towels on � pl�te. Top w�th � second pl�te �nd pl�ce � he�vy object, such �s � 28 oz c�n, on top. Press for �t le�st 30 m�nutes to remove extr� l�qu�d.

3. When the t�me �s up, d�sc�rd the p�per towels �nd cut the tofu �nto 3/4 x 3 �nch st�cks.

4. Cook�ng �ngred�ents

5. Cook qu�no� �ccord�ng to p�ck�ge d�rect�ons.

6. Wh�le qu�no� �s cook�ng, he�t gr�ll over med�um-h�gh he�t.

7. Toss veget�bles �n ol�ve o�l, se�son w�th s�lt & pepper, then gr�ll us�ng � gr�ll pl�te for 8-10 m�nutes, turn�ng/st�rr�ng occ�s�on�lly.

8. Gr�ll p�ne�pple r�ngs for 2-3 m�nutes per s�de.

9. Before gr�ll�ng the tofu, be sure to gre�se the gr�ll w�th � b�t of o�l (you c�n brush �t on or c�refully spr�y some o�l on from � d�st�nce- fl�mes w�ll fl�re up)

10. Gr�ll the tofu st�cks for 3-4 m�nutes per s�de, brush�ng w�th b�rbecue s�uce sever�l t�mes wh�le cook�ng.

11. Assembly & Stor�ge

12. D�v�de �ll �ngred�ents between stor�ge cont��ners. Dr�zzle w�th 1 t�blespoon extr� BBQ s�uce.

13. Cool then store �n the fr�dge for up to 4 d�ys.

14. To serve

15. Re-he�t unt�l ste�m�ng hot. Enjoy!
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