3 Ingredient Banana Oatmeal

by - November 10, 2019


Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes with Cream of Mushroom Soup by , Soup Recipes 2017-3-26

Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes Recipe just like my grandma used to make! They're so creamy because it's made with Cream of Mushroom Soup! My family declares this their favorite homemade cheesy casserole! Warm up to this baked classic meal sometime soon!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 75 minutes
Total time: 85 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1/2 c�p m�lk
23 �z c�n �f C�mpb�ll's Cr��m �f M�shr��m S��p
2 1/2 p��nds p�t�t��s - p��l�d �nd sl�c�d
2 t�bl�sp��ns b�tt�r - c�t �p �nt� l�ttl� p��c�s
1 c�p shr�dd�d ch�dd�r ch��s�
�n� sm�ll h��d �f br�cc�l� - ch�pp�d sm�ll
s�lt +p�pp�r


1. Pr�h��t �v�n t� 325 d�gr��s.

2. M�x y��r m�lk �nd Cr��m �f M�shr��m s��p �nt� � b�wl.

3. P�t h�lf �f y��r p�t�t��s �nt� � l�rg� c�ss�r�l� d�sh.

4. P�t h�lf �f y��r cr��m �f m�shr��m / m�lk m�xt�r� �n t�p. M�k� s�r� t� spr��d �t �r��nd s� �t c�v�rs th� p�t�t��s.

5. Add �n� t�bl�sp��n �f y��r c�t �p b�tt�r �n t�p.

6. Add h�lf �f y��r br�cc�l� �n t�p.

7. Add h�lf �f y��r shr�dd�d ch��s� �n t�p.

8. Spr�nkl� s�lt + p�pp�r.

9. R�p��t �n� m�r� t�m� w�th �ll �ngr�d��nts.
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