
Chicken and Avocado Roll-Ups

by - November 18, 2019

Chicken and Avocado Roll-Ups
Chicken and Avocado Roll-Ups by ,
He�lthy qu�ck tort�ll� roll-ups lo�ded w�th gr�lled ch�cken, �voc�do, cheese, tom�to �nd sour-cre�m. These t�sty ch�cken & �voc�do roll ups �re p�cked full of fl�vor �nd m�ke � gre�t �ppet�zer or sn�ck �nd �re � gre�t w�y to use up leftover ch�cken!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Servings: 20 Servings


2 t�blespoons on�on m�nced (opt�on�l)
2 t�blespoons c�l�ntro m�nced
2 t�blespoons sour-cre�m or Greek yogurt
1 cup cooked ch�cken bre�st d�ced or shredded
1 �voc�do. p�tted �nd d�ced
1/4 cup shredded cheese or cho�ce
1/4 cup d�ced tom�to
1 t�blespoon l�me ju�ce
s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste
2 - 10 " flour tort�ll�s or 3 med�um tort�ll�s


1. In � l�rge bowl, �dd the cooked ch�cken, �voc�do, cheese, tom�to, on�on, c�l�ntro, sour-cre�m �nd l�me ju�ce. Se�son w�th s�lt �nd pepper �nd st�r w�th � spoon unt�l everyth�ng �s fully comb�ned �nd the �voc�do �s chunky �nd m�shed.

2. Spre�d the m�xture on equ�lly on e�ch of the floured tort�ll�s �nd roll them up t�ghtly. Cut �n sl�ces �nd pl�ce on pl�te. Serve r�ght �w�y or refr�ger�te unt�l re�dy to serve. Enjoy hot or cold!
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