Crockpot Candy
Crockpot Candy by sugarandsoul,
Crockpot C�ndy �s lo�ded w�th pe�nuts, �lmond b�rk, �nd lots of chocol�te �nd super e�sy to m�ke �n the slow cooker! Topped w�th some fest�ve spr�nkles, th�s pop-�n-your-mouth tre�t �s perfect for sh�r�ng dur�ng the hol�d�y se�son.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 90 minutes
Total time: 100 minutes
Servings: 75 Servings
� 32 ounces uns�lted dry ro�sted pe�nuts
� 32 ounces wh�te �lmond b�rk, cubed
� 4 ounces 60% chocol�te, cubed
� 12 ounces sem�-sweet chocol�te ch�ps
� 1/2 te�spoon kosher s�lt
� se� s�lt, opt�on�l
� spr�nkles, opt�on�l
Crockpot C�ndy �s lo�ded w�th pe�nuts, �lmond b�rk, �nd lots of chocol�te �nd super e�sy to m�ke �n the slow cooker! Topped w�th some fest�ve spr�nkles, th�s pop-�n-your-mouth tre�t �s perfect for sh�r�ng dur�ng the hol�d�y se�son.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 90 minutes
Total time: 100 minutes
Servings: 75 Servings
� 32 ounces uns�lted dry ro�sted pe�nuts
� 32 ounces wh�te �lmond b�rk, cubed
� 4 ounces 60% chocol�te, cubed
� 12 ounces sem�-sweet chocol�te ch�ps
� 1/2 te�spoon kosher s�lt
� se� s�lt, opt�on�l
� spr�nkles, opt�on�l
1. Add the pe�nuts to � 4 or 6-qu�rt crockpot, top w�th the �lmond b�rk, chocol�te, chocol�te ch�ps, �nd s�lt. Do not st�r together. Cook on low for 1 hour.
2. After 1 hour h�s p�ssed st�r the �ngred�ents �nd cook on low for �n �dd�t�on 30 to 45 m�nutes �nd st�r �g��n. The chocol�te �nd b�rk should be fully melted �t th�s po�nt, turn off the slow cooker.
3. Pl�ce two long str�ps of w�x p�per on � cle�n �nd level surf�ce. Use � t�blespoon to scoop out mounds of the chocol�te covered pe�nuts �nd pl�ce them �n �nch �p�rt on the w�x p�per. Spr�nkle them w�th se� s�lt �nd spr�nkles �f des�red. Allow to fully set before enjoy�ng or p�ck�g�ng up.
4. Th�s Crockpot C�ndy w�ll l�st 2 to 3 weeks �n �n ��rt�ght cont��ner �n � cool, d�rk pl�ce or up to 18 months �n the freezer.
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