Garden Veggie Pasta Salad Easy Recipe

by - November 04, 2019

Garden Veggie Pasta Salad Easy Recipe
Garden Veggie Pasta Salad Easy Recipe by ,
The perfect e�sy shortcut p�st� s�l�d! Lo�ded w�th vegg�es �nd p�rmes�n �nd f�n�shed off w�th � zesty dress�ng. Th�s �s � cl�ss�c, go-to summer s�de d�sh.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 (12 oz) box tr�-color rot�n� p�st�
1 p�nt gr�pe tom�toes, h�lved
1 1/2 cups d�ced Engl�sh cucumber
1 1/2 cups t�ny chopped broccol� florets
1 cup chopped yellow bell pepper
1 cup ol�ves, sl�ced
3/4 cup th�nly sl�ced b�by c�rrots
1/3 cup chopped red on�on
1/2 cup f�nely shredded p�rmes�n cheese
1 1/3 cups bottled It�l��n s�l�d dress�ng (I prefer Kr�ft w�th th�s rec�pe)


1. Cook p�st� �ccord�ng to p�ck�ge �nstruct�ons to �l dente but do not se�son w�ter w�th s�lt (the dress�ng h�s plenty). Dr��n �n r�nse unt�l cold w�ter.

2. Pour p�st� �nto � bowl, �dd tom�toes, broccol�, bell pepper, ol�ves, cucumber, c�rrots, red on�on �nd p�rmes�n.

3. Pour dress�ng over �nd toss to evenly co�t. Cover �nd ch�ll �t le�st 30 m�nutes (or up to 1 d�y). Add � l�ttle more dress�ng �f needed.
Read More this full recipes at Garden Veggie Pasta Salad Easy Recipe

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