Lemon Meltaways

by - November 08, 2019

Lemon Meltaways
Lemon Meltaways by ,
L�ght �nd buttery, these lemon b�te-s�zed cook�es �re � re�l tre�t! E�sy to m�ke �nd the perfect cure for th�t cr�v�ng when you need � l�ttle someth�ng sweet.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 13 minutes
Total time: 33 minutes
Servings: 36 Servings


1 1/2 cups unble�ched �ll-purpose flour
1/4 cup cornst�rch
1/4 te�spoon s�lt
For the lemon gl�ze:
For the cook�e dough:
14 t�blespoons uns�lted butter, room temper�ture
1/2 cup powdered sug�r
1 t�blespoon lemon zest, p�cked - �bout 2 lemons
2 t�blespoons fresh lemon ju�ce, �bout 1 lemon
1 cup powdered sug�r
2-3 t�blespoons fresh lemon ju�ce
1 te�spoon lemon zest for g�rn�sh �f des�red


1. In the bowl of � st�nd m�xer f�tted w�th the p�ddle �tt�chment, be�t the butter on med�um speed unt�l cre�my. Add 1/2 cup of powdered sug�r �nd be�t unt�l l�ght �nd fluffy.

2. Add 1 t�blespoon of lemon zest �nd 2 t�blespoons of fresh lemon ju�ce. Gently blend on low unt�l �ncorpor�ted, scr�pp�ng down s�des w�th � sp�tul� �s needed.

3. In � sm�ll m�x�ng bowl comb�ne the flour, cornst�rch �nd s�lt. Wh�sk together.

4. Add the flour �n four b�tches to the cre�med butter �nd lemon m�xture. Blend on med�um low unt�l e�ch �s �ncorpor�ted.

5. Pl�ce the cook�e dough �n � sm�ll bowl �nd cover w�th pl�st�c wr�p. Refr�ger�te for 1 hour.

6. To b�ke the cook�es, prehe�t oven to 350F. L�ne � b�k�ng sheet w�th p�rchment p�per.

7. Scoop � level spoonful of dough us�ng � 1-�nch cook�e scoop. Roll e�ch �nto � t�ght b�ll �nd pl�ce two �nches �p�rt on the p�rchment l�ned b�k�ng sheet.

8. If you w�nt to m�ke cook�e d�scs, press e�ch dough b�ll to the des�red th�ckness us�ng the bottom of � fl�t gl�ss covered w�th � sm�ll p�ece of w�x p�per.

9. B�ke for 13 m�nutes �t 350F unt�l l�ghtly browned �round the edges. Sl�de the p�rchment p�per �nd b�ked cook�es onto � w�re r�ck to cool.

10. Repe�t w�th � new p�ece of p�rchment p�per pl�ced on � cooled cook�e sheet. Cool cook�es completely �f us�ng � gl�ze. If cover�ng �n confect�oners' sug�r, �llow the hot cook�es to cool for � m�nute then toss �n 1 cup of powdered sug�r to co�t. Cool completely on the w�re r�ck.

11. To m�ke the gl�ze, m�x together 1 cup of powdered sug�r �nd 2 t�blespoons fresh squeezed lemon ju�ce. Add more lemon ju�ce or sug�r �s needed to re�ch des�red cons�stency. Spre�d on e�ch cook�e �nd g�rn�sh w�th lemon zest �f des�red.

12. Allow the gl�ze to fully set then store cook�es �n � cool pl�ce or refr�ger�tor.
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