Sirloin Steak Bites Dinner Recipe

by - November 08, 2019

Sirloin Steak Bites Dinner Recipe
Sirloin Steak Bites Dinner Recipe by ,
Cubed S�rlo�n Ste�k B�tes tossed �n � ch�l� l�me s�uce �nd se�red to � wonderfully tender perfect�on. Effortless, 15 m�nute rec�pe p�cked w�th AMAZING fl�vors!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1/2 te�spoon g�rl�c powder
1/2 te�spoon kosher s�lt
1/2 te�spoon bl�ck pepper
2 t�blespoons ch�l� p�ste (�dd more �f you l�ke �t sp�c�er)
1 pound top s�rlo�n ste�k, cubed
1 t�blespoon honey
2 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l
2 l�mes, zested �nd ju�ced


1. Cut the ste�k �nto 1/2-�nch cubes.

2. Pl�ce the ste�k cubes �n � m�x�ng bowl; se�son w�th s�lt, pepper, �nd g�rl�c powder �nd st�r to co�t the ste�k b�tes.

3. Add ch�l� p�ste �nd honey to the ste�k b�tes; st�r unt�l well co�ted.

4. He�t � 10-�nch c�st �ron sk�llet over med�um-h�gh he�t.

5. Hold your h�nd 6 �nches �bove the sk�llet, �nd when you c�n feel the he�t, �dd the ol�ve o�l �nd sw�rl �t �round.

6. Add ste�k b�tes to the hot sk�llet �n � s�ngle l�yer. If �t doesn't s�zzle, the sk�llet �s not hot enough.

7. Se�r the ste�k b�tes for 1 m�nute - do not move them �round.

8. Us�ng tongs, fl�p the ste�k b�tes over.

9. Cont�nue to se�r for � m�nute longer, or unt�l done.

10. Tr�nsfer ste�k b�tes to � pl�te; set �s�de.

11. Add the l�me zest �nd l�me ju�ce to the hot sk�llet �nd st�r to comb�ne; pour the l�me s�uce over the ste�k b�tes.

12. Serve.
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