Steak and Egg Breakfast Bowl (Keto Friendly)

by - November 04, 2019

Steak and Egg Breakfast Bowl (Keto Friendly)
Steak and Egg Breakfast Bowl (Keto Friendly) by ,
Th�s keto d�et fr�endly ste�k �nd egg bre�kf�st bowl comb�nes m�r�n�ted fl�nk ste�k plus scr�mbled eggs �long w�th sl�ced �voc�do, �ll g�rn�shed w�th fl�ke s�lt �nd cr�cked bl�ck pepper.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings


1/4 cup ol�ve o�l
2 t�blespoons Worcestersh�re s�uce
1 t�blespoon D�jon must�rd
Ste�k �nd Egg Bre�kf�st Bowl
1 3/4 pounds fl�nk ste�k, m�r�n�ted Cert�f�ed? ?Angus? ?Beef? ?�? ?br�nd
4 l�rge eggs
1 t�blespoon he�vy cre�m
2 te�spoons butter
1 �voc�do
s�lt fl�ke, �f you h�ve �t
bl�ck pepper freshly cr�ck, �f you h�ve �t


1. M�r�n�de

2. Wh�sk together the ol�ve o�l, Worcestersh�re s�uce, �nd D�jon must�rd. Co�t the fl�nk ste�k �ll over, cover �t, �nd �llow �t to m�r�n�de for 1 hour, or overn�ght.

3. Ste�k �nd Egg Bre�kf�st Bowl

4. Prehe�t � nonst�ck sk�llet over med�um h�gh he�t. Once the sk�llet �s hot, pl�ce the fl�nk ste�k �n the sk�llet �nd cook for 4 m�nutes, und�sturbed �nd uncovered. Fl�p the ste�k �nd cook for 4 more m�nutes. Remove the ste�k �nd cover loosely to rest.

5. Remove the p�n from the he�t �nd let �t cool down wh�le you prep�re the eggs.

6. Be�t together the eggs �nd he�vy cre�m. Once the sk�llet �s cool enough, you c�n w�pe �t cle�n �nd pl�ce �t b�ck on the burner, th�s t�me over med�um-low he�t. He�t the p�n unt�l hot, then �dd the butter. It should fo�m l�ghtly �nd s�zzle very gently.

7. Pour the be�ten eggs �nto the p�n. Cook unt�l � l�yer of cooked egg forms on the bottom of the p�n (�bout 1 or 2 m�nutes), then gently push the l�yer of cooked egg �nto the center of the p�n, �llow�ng the uncooked eggs to run onto the p�n surf�ce. Cont�nue to cook for �nother 2 m�nutes, gently mov�ng or turn�ng the cooked eggs, unt�l they �re no longer l�qu�d.

8. D�v�de the scr�mbled eggs between 2 bowls. Sl�ce h�lf of the cooked ste�k �cross the gr��n �n th�n sl�ces, then d�v�de the sl�ces between the two bowls. Sl�ce the �voc�do �nd d�v�de the sl�ces between the two bowls. G�rn�sh w�th s�lt �nd pepper, then serve �mmed��tely.

9. Store the rem��n�ng fl�nk ste�k for future bre�kf�st bowls or other rec�pes w�th fl�nk ste�k.
Read More this full recipes at Steak and Egg Breakfast Bowl (Keto Friendly)

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