The Best Roast Turkey - Perfectly Chicken Recipe

by - November 07, 2019

The Best Roast Turkey - perfectly cooked and moist

The Best Roast Turkey by ,
Perfectly Cooked And Mo�st

Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 285 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings


14-16 pound turkey, fresh or th�wed
1 te�spoon s�lt (om�t �f turkey h�s been br�ned)
1 te�spoon pepper
1 lemon, qu�rtered
1 med�um on�on, peeled �nd qu�rtered
1-2 spr�gs fresh p�rsley
1-2 spr�gs fresh thyme
1-2 spr�gs fresh rosem�ry
1-2 spr�gs fresh s�ge
2-3 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l or melted butter


1. Remove turkey from refr�ger�tor �nd �llow to rest �t room temper�ture for 30 m�nutes.

2. Pl�ce oven r�ck �n lowest pos�t�on. Prehe�t oven to 400 degrees.

3. Co�t ro�st�ng p�n �nd r�ck w�th cook�ng spr�y �nd set �s�de.


5. Remove neck �nd g�blets from turkey m��n �nd neck c�v�t�es. (These c�n be d�sc�rded or used to m�ke broth for gr�vy or soup.)

6. If turkey h�s � met�l or pl�st�c cl�mp hold�ng the legs together, remove �nd d�sc�rd �t.

7. Add s�lt �nd pepper to the turkey c�v�ty �nd rub w�th h�nd to d�str�bute �ns�de c�v�ty. Stuff the c�v�ty w�th lemon, on�on (reserv�ng one on�on qu�rter), �nd herbs.

8. Overl�p sk�n �t c�v�ty open�ng to cover �s much of g�p �s poss�ble; use toothp�cks or sm�ll turkey skewers, �f needed, to hold sk�n �n pl�ce. T�e legs together w�th tw�ne.

9. Insert rem��n�ng on�on qu�rter under sk�n cover�ng neck c�v�ty. Tuck w�ng t�ps under turkey body, us�ng them to hold sk�n over neck c�v�ty �n pl�ce.

10. P�t turkey dry w�th � p�per towel �nd brush bre�st s�de �ll over w�th ol�ve o�l. Fl�p turkey over, bre�st s�de down, onto r�ck �n ro�st�ng p�n. Brush w�th ol�ve o�l so ent�re turkey �s co�ted.


12. Pl�ce �n 400 degree oven uncovered. After 1 hour, lower he�t to 350 degrees �nd cook for �n �dd�t�on�l hour for turkeys 14 pounds or l�rger (45 m�nutes for sm�ller turkeys).

13. Remove from oven �nd fl�p turkey over so �t �s bre�st s�de up. Insert � remote probe thermometer �nto th�ckest p�rt of th�gh. Return turkey to oven �nd set thermometer mon�tor �l�rm to sound �t 165 degrees.

14. (TIP: To �vo�d over-brown�ng on top, keep �n eye on the turkey �n the l�st hour �nd loosely tent �t w�th �lum�num fo�l �f �t's browned enough before the des�red �ntern�l temper�ture �s re�ched. Th�s m�y or m�y not be necess�ry, depend�ng on �nd�v�du�l ovens--some cook more evenly th�n others.)

15. When th�gh temper�ture re�ches 165 to 170 degrees, remove from oven. Use �n �nst�nt re�d thermometer to check temper�ture of other th�gh. Also check th�ckest p�rt of bre�st--�t should be 160 degrees. If not, return to oven.

16. Cook�ng t�mes c�n v�ry. 13 m�nutes cook�ng t�me per pound �s � good est�m�te. It should t�ke � 14-16 pound turkey � tot�l of 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 hours to cook. An 18 pound turkey t�kes closer to 4 hours. These t�mes �re b�llp�rk �nd c�n v�ry; th�t's why us�ng � thermometer �s �mport�nt for determ�n�ng ex�ctly when the turkey �s done.

17. When fully cooked, remove turkey from oven, cover w�th �lum�num fo�l, �nd �llow to rest und�sturbed for � m�n�mum of 30 m�nutes �nd up to 60 m�nutes. C�rve �nd serve.
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