Keto Cheese Steak Pizza Pocket Recipe

by - Oktober 30, 2019

Keto Cheese Steak Pizza Pocket Recipe
Keto Cheese Steak Pizza Pocket Recipe by ,
Got � cr�v�ng for � me�ty, cheesy, melt�ng gooey �nd sloppy food truck s�ndw�ch? Then you NEED to m�ke th�s Keto Cheese Ste�k P�zz� Pocket Rec�pe pronto!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 rec�pe -Keto Go-To F�the�d P�zz� Crust Rec�pe
2 p�eces -Th�nly Sl�ced & Sh�ped S�rlo�n Beef Ste�k by Ste�k-eze
� med�um yellow on�on sl�ced
1 sm�ll Red Bell Pepper R�w
1 whole R�w Portobello Mushroom
2 Sl�ce Provolone Cheese
2 sl�ce Sw�ss Cheese N�tur�l
1 tbs Uns�lted Butter
2 tbs He�vy Wh�pp�ng Cre�m
2 oz. Or�g�n�l Re�l Cre�m Cheese Regul�r By Ph�l�delph��
1/2 tbs Org�n�c Coconut Am�nos Se�son�ng S�uce by B�g Tree F�rms
1/2 tsp X�nth�n Gum by Bob's Red M�ll


1. 1.Prehe�t the oven to 400 degrees.

2. 2.Prep�re the Keto Go-To F�the�d P�zz� Crust Rec�pe

3. 3.* le�ve extr� length on the p�rchment p�per for fold�ng l�ter*

4. 4.In � med�um p�n, fry the ste�k on med�um he�t unt�l cooked.

5. 5.Set �s�de �nd s�ute on�on, bell pepper then l�stly �dd mushroom- Let cook unt�l tender.

6. 6.In � sm�ll s�uce pot, on low he�t- Add butter, HWC, �nd cre�m cheese.

7. 7.Let s�mmer unt�l melted, st�rr�ng frequently.

8. 8.Once melted, �dd �m�nos �nd x�nth�n gum. S�mmer low 3-4 m�nutes.

9. 9.After crust �s b�ked for 10 m�nutes, FLIP IT.

10. 10.L�yer on one s�de of crust- provolone, ste�k, cre�m s�uce, on�on/bell/mushroom, then sw�ss.

11. 11.Fold over the other h�lf of crust, to cre�te the �p�zz� pocket�.

12. 12.C�refully fold over p�rchment p�per, tuck�ng �n the s�des �nd wr�p over l�ke � burr�to!

13. 13.B�ke �nother 18-20 m�nutes (temp v�ry �f your oven runs hot).

14. 14.C�refully unwr�p the p�rchment, let cool sl�ghtly then cut �nto sect�ons.
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