Keto Steak Foil Packets Recipe

by - Oktober 30, 2019

Keto Steak Foil Packets Recipe
Keto Steak Foil Packets Recipe by ,
These e�sy to m�ke Keto ste�k fo�l p�ckets �re � del�c�ous e�sy me�l! E�sy to prep �nd the cle�n up �s very m�n�m�l! Scroll down for the e�sy rec�pe!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


2 lbs. Top s�rlo�n ste�k cut �nto b�te s�zed p�eces
Ol�ve o�l 2 tbsp.
C�ul�flower florets 2 c.
4 c. Broccol� florets
12 Spe�rs of �sp�r�gus cut �nto b�te s�zed p�eces
One On�on sl�ced
B�s�l 1 tsp.
Thyme1 tsp.
Rosem�ry 1 tsp.
4 Cloves g�rl�c m�nced
S�lt �nd pepper to t�ste
Alum�num fo�l


1. Prehe�t the oven to 400 degrees.

2. Prep your me�t �nd veget�bles. Cut the florets off of the he�ds of c�ul�flower �nd broccol�, �nd cut the �sp�r�gus spe�rs �nto b�te s�zed p�eces.

3. You w�nt to use fresh veget�bles �nd not frozen. Cut the s�rlo�n ste�k �nto b�te s�zed p�eces �s well.

4. Pl�ce the s�rlo�n ste�k p�eces �nto � m�x�ng bowl, �nd �dd �n the rosem�ry, b�s�l �nd thyme. M�x �n s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste, �nd toss the me�t well to �ncorpor�te the se�son�ng. **I l�ke to let ste�k m�r�n�te �n se�son�ng overn�ght.

5. He�t 1 t�blespoon of o�l �n � sk�llet over med�um-h�gh he�t. Once hot, �dd �n the s�rlo�n ste�k �n � s�ngle l�yer, �nd qu�ckly se�r �t on �ll s�des. Remove �t from the he�t.
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