Keto Steak Garlic Mushroom Parmesan Cream Sauce

by - Oktober 30, 2019

Keto Steak Garlic Mushroom Parmesan Cream Sauce
Keto Steak Garlic Mushroom Parmesan Cream Sauce by ,
Ste�k w�th G�rl�c Mushroom Cre�m S�uce: �m�z�ng, tender, perfectly se�red ste�ks w�th � dec�dent g�rl�c mushroom p�rmes�n cre�m s�uce.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings


2 ste�ks cut of cho�ce, I used New York Str�p Ste�ks
s�lt �nd pepper to se�son ste�ks l�ber�lly
2 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l
1 TBS m�nced g�rl�c
8 ounces b�by bell� mushrooms sl�ced
2 TBS butter
1 cup ch�cken broth
� tsp red pepper fl�kes
� tsp dr�ed thyme
� cup he�vy cre�m
1/2 tsp g�rl�c gr�nules
1/4 cup p�rmes�n cheese
2 t�blespoons chopped b�s�l


1. Br�ng ste�ks to room temper�ture

2. P�t dry w�th � p�per towel

3. Se�son w�th s�lt �nd pepper

4. Brush 1 Tbs ol�ve o�l on the ste�ks, cover�ng both s�des,

5. He�t M�de In s�ute p�n over med�um he�t for �bout 2 m�nutes, then set ste�ks �n the he�ted s�ute p�n.

6. Se�r the ste�k on e�ch s�de, for 3-4 m�nutes unt�l � n�ce golden brown.

7. Fl�p the ste�k over, �nd se�r for 3-4 more m�nutes, or unt�l ste�k re�ches �n �ntern�l temper�ture of 130-140 degrees (med�um r�re)then remove from the p�n. Set �s�de

8. In the s�me p�n, over med�um he�t, �dd the other Tbs of ol�ve o�l, �nd m�nced g�rl�c, �nd cook for 1-2 m�nutes. Do not burn the g�rl�c. St�r frequently.

9. Add �n the mushrooms, �nd the butter, �nd cook 3-4 m�nutes, unt�l mushrooms st�rt to brown.

10. Add �n the ch�cken broth, �nd degl�ze the p�n by us�ng the rubber sp�tul� to gently scr�pe the brown b�ts off the bottom. Once degl�zed �dd �n red pepper fl�kes, �nd thyme. Br�ng to � bo�l, then turn he�t down �nd let s�mmer 8-10 m�nutes, cover for the f�rst 4 m�nutes, �nd uncover for the l�st 4 to �llow the stock to reduce. Th�s �s �mport�nt, �f you don't let �t reduce, the s�uce won't th�cken.

11. Once stock h�s reduced, turn he�t b�ck up to med�um, then �dd �n he�vy cre�m, �nd g�rl�c s�lt. �nd st�r over med�um he�t, cook�ng for 1-2 m�nutes, �t � s�mmer or soft bo�l. Then st�r �n gr�ted p�rmes�n cheese.

12. Add ste�ks b�ck �nto the p�n, �nd cook unt�l des�red doneness �s �ch�eved. You c�n put whole p�n �nto � prehe�ted 375 degree oven, or cook on the stove top to get des�red doneness.

13. Then remove from he�t. If you w�nt them med�um r�re, then do not cook �ny longer, �nste�d spoon s�uce over top of the ste�ks.

14. Spr�nkle w�th chopped b�s�l, �nd enjoy.
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