Strawberry-Lemonade Cake

by - Oktober 29, 2019

Strawberry-Lemonade Cake
Strawberry-Lemonade Cake by ,
If you�re look�ng for the perfect c�ke for � summert�me celebr�t�on, th�s Str�wberry-Lemon�de L�yer C�ke �s the one. M�de w�th tender lemony c�ke l�yers spre�d w�th � t�ngy Str�wberry-Lemon�de J�m, the c�ke �s frosted w�th � dre�my Str�wberry Frost�ng m�de w�th fresh berr�es �nd � drop of p�nk food color�ng.

Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cook time: 270 minutes
Total time: 315 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings


1 cup butter, softened 4 l�rge eggs, sep�r�ted 2 cups gr�nul�ted sug�r 3 cups c�ke flour 1 t�blespoon b�k�ng powder 1/8 te�spoon t�ble s�lt 1 cup m�lk 1 t�blespoon lemon zest 1 t�blespoon fresh lemon ju�ce Shorten�ng
2 1/2 cups co�rsely chopped fresh str�wberr�es 3/4 cup sug�r 1/4 cup fresh lemon ju�ce 3 t�blespoons cornst�rch
1 (8-oz.) p�ck�ge cre�m cheese, softened 2/3 cup sug�r, d�v�ded 2/3 cup chopped fresh str�wberr�es 1 drop p�nk food color�ng gel (opt�on�l) 1 1/2 cups he�vy cre�m 3 t�blespoons fresh lemon ju�ce


1. Step 1

2. Prep�re C�ke: Prehe�t oven to 350�. Be�t butter �t med�um speed w�th �n electr�c m�xer unt�l cre�my; gr�du�lly �dd sug�r, be�t�ng unt�l l�ght �nd fluffy.

3. Add egg yolks, 1 �t � t�me, be�t�ng unt�l blended �fter e�ch �dd�t�on. St�r together flour �nd next 2 �ngred�ents; �dd to butter m�xture �ltern�tely w�th m�lk, beg�nn�ng �nd end�ng w�th flour m�xture. Be�t �t low speed just unt�l blended. St�r �n zest �nd ju�ce.

4. Be�t egg wh�tes �n � l�rge bowl �t h�gh speed unt�l st�ff pe�ks form. Gently st�r one-th�rd of egg wh�tes �nto b�tter; fold �n rem��n�ng egg wh�tes. Spoon b�tter �nto 4 gre�sed (w�th shorten�ng) �nd floured 9-�nch round c�ke p�ns.

5. B�ke �t 350� for 16 to 20 m�nutes or unt�l � wooden p�ck �nserted �n center comes out cle�n. Cool �n p�ns on w�re r�cks 10 m�nutes; remove from p�ns to w�re r�cks, �nd cool completely.

6. Step 2

7. For Str�wberry-Lemon�de J�m: Process str�wberr�es �n � blender unt�l smooth; press through � w�re-mesh str��ner �nto � 3-qt. s�ucep�n, us�ng b�ck of � spoon to squeeze out ju�ce; d�sc�rd pulp. St�r �n sug�r.

8. Wh�sk together lemon ju�ce �nd cornst�rch; gr�du�lly wh�sk �nto str�wberry m�xture. Br�ng m�xture to � bo�l over med�um he�t, �nd cook, wh�sk�ng const�ntly, 1 m�nute. Remove from he�t. Pl�ce pl�st�c wr�p d�rectly on w�rm j�m; ch�ll 2 hours or unt�l cold. Refr�ger�te �n �n ��rt�ght cont��ner up to 1 week.

9. Step 3

10. For Frost�ng: Be�t cre�m cheese �nd 1/3 cup sug�r w�th �n electr�c m�xer unt�l smooth; �dd str�wberr�es �nd food color�ng (�f des�red); be�t unt�l blended.

11. Be�t cre�m �nd ju�ce �t med�um speed unt�l fo�my; �ncre�se speed to med�um-h�gh, �nd slowly �dd rem��n�ng 1/3 cup sug�r, be�t�ng unt�l st�ff pe�ks form. Fold h�lf of cre�m m�xture �nto cheese m�xture; fold �n rem��n�ng cre�m m�xture. Use �mmed��tely.

12. Step 4

13. L�yer C�ke: Pl�ce 1 c�ke l�yer on � serv�ng pl�tter, �nd spre�d w�th �bout 1/2 cup Str�wberry-Lemon�de J�m, le�v�ng � 1/2-�nch border �round edges. Spoon 1 cup Str�wberry Frost�ng �nto � z�p-top pl�st�c freezer b�g. Sn�p 1 corner of b�g to m�ke � sm�ll hole. P�pe � r�ng of frost�ng �round c�ke l�yer just �ns�de the top edge. Top w�th second �nd th�rd c�ke l�yers, repe�t�ng procedure w�th f�ll�ng �nd frost�ng between e�ch l�yer. Top w�th l�st c�ke l�yer, �nd spre�d rem��n�ng Str�wberry Frost�ng on top �nd s�des of c�ke.
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