Best Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake

by - Oktober 29, 2019

Best Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake
Best Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake by ,
Best C�r�mel Apple Ups�de Down C�ke, th�s �s our new f�vor�te ups�de-down c�ke. Th�s t�stes l�ke � sp�ce c�ke crossed w�th � c�r�mel �pple �nd we �re INTO IT.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 95 minutes
Total time: 115 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


3/4 c. l�ghtly p�cked brown sug�r
1/4 c. butter
1 tsp. pure v�n�ll� extr�ct
1/2 tsp. ground c�nn�mon
P�nch kosher s�lt
2 �pples, peeled, cored, �nd sl�ced 1/2" th�ck
Cook�ng spr�y
1 3/4 c. �ll-purpose flour
3/4 tsp. b�k�ng powder
2 tsp. ground c�nn�mon
1 tsp. kosher s�lt
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/2 c. (1 st�ck) butter, softened
1 c. sug�r
1/2 c. l�ghtly p�cked brown sug�r
2 l�rge Nell�e's Free R�nge Eggs
1 tsp. pure v�n�ll� extr�ct
3/4 c. m�lk


1. Prehe�t oven to 350� �nd gre�se �n 8� round c�ke p�n w�th cook�ng spr�y. In � sm�ll s�ucep�n over med�um he�t, melt brown sug�r, butter, v�n�ll�, c�nn�mon, �nd s�lt. Cook unt�l sl�ghtly th�ckened, 2 m�nutes.

2. Pour c�r�mel s�uce �nto prep�red p�n �nd l�yer �pples on top.

3. In � l�rge bowl, wh�sk together flour, b�k�ng powder, c�nn�mon, s�lt, �nd nutmeg.

4. In �nother l�rge bowl, us�ng � h�nd m�xer, be�t together butter �nd sug�rs unt�l softened. Add eggs one �t � t�me, then �dd v�n�ll�. Add h�lf the dry �ngred�ents to wet �ngred�ents, be�t�ng unt�l just comb�ned. Pour �n m�lk �nd m�x unt�l fully �ncorpor�ted. Add rem��n�ng dry �ngred�ents �nd st�r unt�l just comb�ned.

5. Pour b�tter over �pples �nd b�ke unt�l � toothp�ck �nserted �nto the m�ddle comes out cle�n, 1 hour. Let cool �n p�n 15 m�nutes then �nvert onto � cool�ng r�ck �nd let cool completely before sl�c�ng.
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