Best Keto-Low Carb Pasta Noodle Idea
Best Keto-Low Carb Pasta Noodle Idea by kimspireddiy,
Are you look�ng for keto noodles? Here �s � low c�rb noodle rec�pe th�t m�kes gre�t p�st� noodles. Le�rn how to m�ke homem�de keto noodles th�t �re s�mple, qu�ck �nd super yummy.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings
� � c Hot w�ter
� 4 Envelopes (1 box/ � cup) Pl��n gel�t�n
� 1 c. Shredded mozz�rell� cheese
� 1 tsp G�rl�c powder
� 1 tsp It�l��n se�son�ng
� S�lt �nd pepper to t�ste
Are you look�ng for keto noodles? Here �s � low c�rb noodle rec�pe th�t m�kes gre�t p�st� noodles. Le�rn how to m�ke homem�de keto noodles th�t �re s�mple, qu�ck �nd super yummy.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings
� � c Hot w�ter
� 4 Envelopes (1 box/ � cup) Pl��n gel�t�n
� 1 c. Shredded mozz�rell� cheese
� 1 tsp G�rl�c powder
� 1 tsp It�l��n se�son�ng
� S�lt �nd pepper to t�ste
1. Pl�ce the hot w�ter �nto � sm�ll s�ucep�n over med�um he�t.
2. Once the w�ter comes to � low s�mmer, �dd �n the gel�t�n wh�sk�ng const�ntly unt�l completely d�ssolved. Th�s c�n t�ke � few m�nutes. Be sure to use only pl��n unfl�vored gel�t�n. Th�s �s gener�lly found �n the b�k�ng ��sle �long the regul�r fl�vored gel�t�n, but somet�mes on � h�gher or lower shelf. One box usu�lly cont��ns 4 p�ckets w�th 1 t�blespoon of powder e�ch. You w�ll need 4 tbsp tot�l for th�s rec�pe.
3. Once the gel�t�n �s d�ssolved �n the w�ter, �dd �n the mozz�rell� cheese �nd st�r const�ntly unt�l completely melted.
4. Wh�sk �n the g�rl�c powder, It�l��n se�son�ng �s well �s s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste.
5. Remove the m�xture from the he�t, �nd pour �t out onto � sheet p�n l�ned w�th p�rchment p�per.
6. Spre�d the m�xture �nto � th�n even l�yer, �nd let s�t for 20-30 m�nutes.
7. After the �llotted t�me, you should be �ble to peel the m�xture up off the p�rchment p�per. When �t h�s re�ched th�s cons�stency, �t �s t�me to form the noodles.
8. Cut the edges of the m�xture w�th � p�zz� cutter to get � rect�ngle sh�pe w�th cle�n l�nes.
9. Use the cook�e cutter to vert�c�lly cut th�n str�nds of fettucc�ne type noodles.
10. Once the noodles �re cut, they �re re�dy to e�t �s �s. It �s �mport�nt to note th�t you c�nnot he�t these noodles up, so �t �s best to use them �mmed��tely �t room temper�ture or l�ter �n � cold p�st� s�l�d. You c�n �dd w�rm s�uces to the noodles, but bec�use of the gel�t�n �n them, �f much he�t �s �ppl�ed, they w�ll lose the�r texture. They �re wonderful tossed w�th some w�rm butter �nd P�rmes�n cheese!
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