Cheesy Vegan Pasta Bake Recipe
Cheesy Vegan Pasta Bake Recipe by elavegan,
Th�s veg�n p�st� b�ke w�th c�ul�flower, mushrooms, �nd sp�n�ch �s � gre�t comfort food wh�ch �s pl�nt-b�sed, gluten-free, �nd he�lthy. It's cheesy, cre�my, del�c�ous, �nd e�sy to m�ke.
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings
� 17 oz gluten-free p�st� or p�st� of cho�ce (500 g)
� 12 oz of mushrooms (340 g)
� 5 oz of sp�n�ch (140 g)
� 1 med�um-s�zed he�d of c�ul�flower cut �nto florets (�pprox. 500 g)
� 1 1/2 - 2 cups of veget�ble broth (360-480 ml) *see rec�pe notes
� 2-3 cloves of g�rl�c
� 1/3 cup coconut m�lk c�nned (80 ml) *see rec�pe notes
� Sp�ce m�x: 1-2 tsp on�on powder, 1 tsp g�rl�c powder, 2 tsp dr�ed It�l��n m�xed herbs, 1/4-1/2 tsp crushed red pepper fl�kes)
� S�lt �nd pepper to t�ste
� 1 tbsp o�l
� 1 b�tch of e�sy veg�n cheese s�uce (or veg�n cheese of cho�ce)
Th�s veg�n p�st� b�ke w�th c�ul�flower, mushrooms, �nd sp�n�ch �s � gre�t comfort food wh�ch �s pl�nt-b�sed, gluten-free, �nd he�lthy. It's cheesy, cre�my, del�c�ous, �nd e�sy to m�ke.
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings
� 17 oz gluten-free p�st� or p�st� of cho�ce (500 g)
� 12 oz of mushrooms (340 g)
� 5 oz of sp�n�ch (140 g)
� 1 med�um-s�zed he�d of c�ul�flower cut �nto florets (�pprox. 500 g)
� 1 1/2 - 2 cups of veget�ble broth (360-480 ml) *see rec�pe notes
� 2-3 cloves of g�rl�c
� 1/3 cup coconut m�lk c�nned (80 ml) *see rec�pe notes
� Sp�ce m�x: 1-2 tsp on�on powder, 1 tsp g�rl�c powder, 2 tsp dr�ed It�l��n m�xed herbs, 1/4-1/2 tsp crushed red pepper fl�kes)
� S�lt �nd pepper to t�ste
� 1 tbsp o�l
� 1 b�tch of e�sy veg�n cheese s�uce (or veg�n cheese of cho�ce)
1. In � pot, cook c�ul�flower florets �n s�lted w�ter unt�l tender (15-20 m�nutes) then d�sc�rd the w�ter.
2. In �nother pot, cook p�st� �ccord�ng to the �nstruct�ons of the p�ck�g�ng.
3. Once the c�ul�flower �s fork tender, put �t �n � blender or food processor, together w�th the veget�ble broth, g�rl�c, coconut m�lk, sp�ces, �nd s�lt + pepper. Blend unt�l the m�xture �s smooth.
4. He�t o�l �n � sk�llet �nd fry the mushrooms over med�um he�t for �bout 5 m�nutes. Add sp�n�ch �nd fry for �n �dd�t�on�l m�nute. Turn off the he�t.
5. Pl�ce the cooked p�st� �n � l�rge bowl, �dd the c�ul�flower s�uce, the mushrooms & sp�n�ch, �nd st�r to comb�ne.
6. Pour everyth�ng �n � gre�sed b�k�ng d�sh (m�ne me�sures 13x9 �nches / 33x23 cm).
7. M�ke � b�tch of my e�sy veg�n cheese s�uce �nd pour �t on top or use �ny veg�n cheese of cho�ce.
8. B�ke �t 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) for �bout 20 m�nutes. Enjoy!
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