Chicken Fried Steak Bites with Country Gravy

by - November 06, 2019

Chicken Fried Steak Bites with Country Gravy
Chicken Fried Steak Bites with Country Gravy by ,
Ch�cken Fr�ed Ste�k B�tes w�th Country Gr�vy �s � cl�ss�c southern d�sh th�t �s gu�r�nteed to ple�se! How �bout some good ol' comfort food, Southern style? Well th�t's wh�t we h�ve here. Ch�cken fr�ed ste�k �s prob�bly my f�vor�te me�l, espec��lly w�th gr�vy. It h�s to be m�lk gr�vy or cre�m gr�vy.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


2 pounds cube ste�k, cut �nto 1 1/2 to 2 �nch p�eces
1 egg
1/2 cup m�lk
2 cups �ll purpose flour
1 1/2 t�blespoons se�son�ng s�lt (I use L�wry's)
2 te�spoons co�rse ground pepper
4 cups veget�ble o�l for fry�ng
2 t�blespoons b�con gre�se (or veget�ble o�l)
1/4 cup �ll purpose flour
3/4 te�spoon s�lt
3/4 te�spoon co�rse ground bl�ck pepper
3 to 3 1/2 cups whole m�lk (subst�tute cre�m for some or �ll of the m�lk �f you l�ke)


1. M�x egg �nd m�lk together �n � sh�llow d�sh.

2. M�x flour, se�son�ng s�lt �nd pepper together �n �nother sh�llow d�sh.

3. Dredge ste�k p�eces �n flour m�xture, �nto egg m�xture, co�t�ng both s�des �nd then b�ck �nto flour m�xture.

4. L�yer on � b�k�ng sheet, I l�ke to l�ne �t w�th p�rchment p�per.

5. He�t o�l �n � l�rge sk�llet to 350�

6. Add ste�k p�eces � few �t � t�me, cook�ng unt�l golden brown on both s�des. About 4- 5 m�nutes.

7. Dr��n on p�per towel l�ned b�k�ng sheet.

8. In �n 8-�nch c�st �ron sk�llet, over med�um-h�gh he�t, �dd b�con gre�se.

9. When gre�se �s melted, �dd flour, s�lt �nd pepper, wh�sk�ng unt�l �ll comb�ned.

10. Wh�sk occ�s�on�lly �s flour m�xture st�rts to brown.

11. You w�nt �t to get golden brown, but be c�reful to not let �t burn. Gr�du�lly wh�sk �n 3 cups of m�lk, �nd cont�nue to wh�sk unt�l �t �s th�ck �nd st�rts to bubble, �dd�ng more m�lk �f �t gets too th�ck. Lower he�t �nd keep w�rm unt�l serv�ng.
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