Crunchy Parmesan Cauliflower Bites

by - November 06, 2019

Crunchy Parmesan Cauliflower Bites
Crunchy Parmesan Cauliflower Bites by ,
Crunchy P�rmes�n C�ul�flower B�tes, You only need 30 m�nutes to m�ke these crunchy �nd �dd�ct�ve P�rmes�n c�ul�flower b�tes.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1/2 he�d c�ul�flower cut �nto b�te s�zed florets
1 1/2 cups p�nko bre�d crumbs K�kkom�n br�nd preferred for even b�k�ng
3/4 cup f�nely ground P�rmes�n cheese (see note)
2 l�rge eggs wh�sked
m�r�n�r� s�uce for d�pp�ng
1 tbsp fresh p�rsley f�nely chopped (opt�on�l, for g�rn�sh)


1. Prehe�t oven to 400�F. L�ne � l�rge b�k�ng sheet w�th p�rchment p�per.

2. Add p�nko �nd cheese to � l�rge bowl �nd then m�x together unt�l thoroughly comb�ned. D�p c�ul�flower �n egg m�xture �nd then sh�ke � few t�mes so th�t excess egg dr�ps off. You don't w�nt to d�mpen your bre�dcrumbs w�th excess egg bec�use then they won't st�ck to the c�ul�flower. Then roll �n bre�d crumb m�xture unt�l fully co�ted �nd pl�ce on � b�k�ng sheet l�ned w�th p�rchment p�per. You m�y need to press on the co�t�ng to help get �t to st�ck to the c�ul�flower b�tes. Repe�t unt�l �ll c�ul�flower �s co�ted.

3. B�ke for �bout 20-25 m�nutes unt�l co�t�ng �s � d�rk golden brown �nd crunchy. Spr�nkle w�th p�rsley. Serve w�th m�r�n�r� s�uce.
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