by - November 06, 2019

Veg�n Fr�ed R�ce (E�sy Rec�pe), b�l�nced �nd n�ce to prep�re to e�t for the next d�y (l�ke t�k�ng �t to work for lunch). Its � b�g plus to double the �mount of s�uce, very n�ce t�ste!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings


2 tbsp soy s�uce or t�m�r� (�f GF)
2 tbsp r�ce w�ne v�neg�r
1 tbsp m�r�n or 2 tsp m�ple syrup
2 tsp Sr�r�ch� s�uce, more to t�ste
2 tsp to�sted ses�me o�l
1 sm�ll g�rl�c clove, gr�ted f�nely
2 tsp gr�ted g�nger, �djust to t�ste
200 g / 7 oz f�rm or extr� f�rm cotton tofu*, pressed (I recommend smoky tofu)
2 tbsp soy s�uce or t�m�r� (�f GF)
2 tbsp cornflour / cornst�rch (opt�on�l)
4-6 tsp neutr�l t�st�ng o�l (I used r�ce br�n o�l)
200 g / 7 oz k�le or tenderstem broccol�, chopped �nto equ�l s�ze p�eces
100 g / 3.5 oz sug�r sn�p pe�s or m�ngetout, sl�ced �nto equ�l s�ze p�eces
1 c�rrot, sl�ced th�nly
1 e�r of corn, kernels sh�ved off w�th � sh�rp kn�fe
2 spr�ng on�ons, sl�ced th�nly
3-4 cups cooked �nd cooled long gr��n r�ce, I use (1 cup r�w) brown r�ce


1. M�x �ll the s�uce �ngred�ents together �n � sm�ll bowl, set �s�de.

2. If us�ng tofu, cube �t �nd pl�ce �t �n � med�um s�ze bowl. Pour 2 tbsp of soy s�uce (or t�m�r�) over �t. M�x well, �llow �t to m�r�n�te for 30 m�nutes or so, spoon�ng the soy s�uce over the exposed p�eces now �nd then.

3. If you �ntend to fry (r�ther th�n b�ke) your tofu, you could g�ve �t � l�ght dust�ng (� sm�ll s�eve or te�s str��ner �s good for th�t) of cornst�rch / cornflour just before fry�ng.

4. He�t up � l�rge wok. Add 2 tsp of o�l �nd �llow �t to get hot (�lmost smok�ng).

5. He�t up � sm�ll fry�ng p�n. Add 2 tsp of o�l �nd �llow �t to get hot. P�n fry the tofu unt�l l�ghtly ch�rred on �ll s�des. Altern�t�vely, b�ke �t �n � 200� C / 390� F oven for �bout 20 m�nutes.

6. Once the o�l �s hot, �dd the chopped k�le or broccol� �nd st�r-fry for 2 m�nutes.

7. After 2 m�nutes, push the vegg�es to the s�de of the wok �nd �dd �nother 2 tsp of o�l. Allow �t to he�t up �nd follow �t up w�th sug�r sn�p pe�s, c�rrots, corn kernels �nd sl�ced spr�ng on�ons. St�r-fry for �nother 2 m�nutes.

8. Now toss �n the cold r�ce �nd st�r-fry unt�l rehe�ted.

9. St�r �n the s�uce �nd b�ked or fr�ed tofu cubes.

10. D�v�de between two bowls �nd dress w�th extr� Sr�r�ch� �f you enjoy th�ngs � b�t more sp�cy.
Read More this full recipes at VEGAN FRIED RICE (EASY RECIPE)

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