Easy Vegan Scallion Pancakes Recipes
Easy Vegan Scallion Pancakes Recipes by biancazapatka,
These 3-�ngred�ent Veg�n Sc�ll�on P�nc�kes �re � cr�spy p�n-fr�ed Ch�nese fl�tbre�d wh�ch �re �ncred�bly del�c�ous �nd very e�sy to m�ke! They�re �lso known �s green on�on p�nc�kes �nd c�n be m�de w�th ch�ves or leeks too! Th�s Rec�pe cont��ns step-by-step p�ctures!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� Sc�ll�on P�nc�kes
� 2 cups �ll-purpose flour (250g)
� 3/4 tsp s�lt
� 3/4 cup w�rm w�ter (180ml)
� 1 1/3 cup f�nely sl�ced sc�ll�ons green p�rt only
� 4 tbsp cook�ng o�l plus more for brush�ng
These 3-�ngred�ent Veg�n Sc�ll�on P�nc�kes �re � cr�spy p�n-fr�ed Ch�nese fl�tbre�d wh�ch �re �ncred�bly del�c�ous �nd very e�sy to m�ke! They�re �lso known �s green on�on p�nc�kes �nd c�n be m�de w�th ch�ves or leeks too! Th�s Rec�pe cont��ns step-by-step p�ctures!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� Sc�ll�on P�nc�kes
� 2 cups �ll-purpose flour (250g)
� 3/4 tsp s�lt
� 3/4 cup w�rm w�ter (180ml)
� 1 1/3 cup f�nely sl�ced sc�ll�ons green p�rt only
� 4 tbsp cook�ng o�l plus more for brush�ng
1. In � l�rge bowl, m�x the flour �nd s�lt. Then pour �n the w�ter �nd st�r w�th chopst�cks or � fork unt�l �ll the w�ter h�s been �bsorbed.
2. Us�ng your h�nds, kne�d �ll the b�ts of dough together. (If your dough �s st�ll very dry �fter � b�t of kne�d�ng, �dd 1-2 tbsp more w�ter*). Then tr�nsfer dough to � work�ng surf�ce �nd cont�nue kne�d�ng unt�l the dough �s smooth �nd soft, �bout 5 m�nutes.
3. Sh�pe the dough �nto � round b�ll. Cover w�th fo�l (or � d�mp towel) �nd let rest for 20-30 m�nutes.
4. After rest�ng t�me, d�v�de the dough �nto 4 equ�l s�zed p�eces �nd sh�pe them �nto b�lls. (Work w�th one p�ece �t � t�me �nd cover the rem��n�ng p�eces so they won�t get dry).
5. On � l�ghtly floured work�ng surf�ce, roll out one p�ece �nto � very th�n c�rcle.
6. Brush the c�rcle w�th � b�t of o�l, �nd spr�nkle �bout 1/3 cup chopped sc�ll�ons �ll over the dough.
7. Roll up the dough �nto � log. T�ke one end of the log �nd curl �t �nto � sn��l (see p�ctures �n the text �bove).
8. Use your h�nds to fl�tten the dough � b�t, then use your roll�ng p�n to roll �t out �g��n to �nother c�rcle, �bout 8-/9-�nch (20/22cm) �n d��meter. (Don�t worry �f some sc�ll�ons poke out through the dough).
9. Repe�t w�th the rem��n�ng dough p�eces �nd st�ck them �s you go, sep�r�t�ng w�th p�rchment p�per.
10. He�t 1 tbsp o�l �n � p�n over med�um he�t �nd p�n-fry e�ch s�de of one p�nc�ke for �bout 2-3 m�nutes unt�l golden-brown �nd cr�spy. Repe�t w�th rem��n�ng p�nc�kes, �dd�ng �bout 1 tbsp o�l per p�nc�ke.
11. M�x �ll �ngred�ents for the D�pp�ng S�uce.
12. Cut Sc�ll�on P�nc�kes �nto qu�rters �nd serve hot w�th d�pp�ng s�uce. ??
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