Lemon Poppy Seed Cake - Vegan Recipe

by - November 22, 2019

Lemon Poppy Seed Cake - Vegan Recipe
Lemon Poppy Seed Cake - Vegan Recipe by ,
Th�s veg�n Lemon Poppy Seed C�ke w�th Cre�m Cheese Frost�ng �nd �lmonds �s soft, mo�st �nd del�c�ous w�th � fresh lemon fl�vor. The rec�pe �s qu�ck �nd e�sy to m�ke �n one-bowl, w�th gluten-free opt�on. (Th�s post cont��ns step-by-step p�ctures).

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings


Veg�n Lemon C�ke:
1 cup non-d��ry m�lk (240ml)
1 lemon ju�ce + zest
2 1/2 cups �ll-purpose flour (300g) or gluten-free flour*
1 tbsp b�k�ng powder
1 tsp b�k�ng sod�
1/2 tsp s�lt
3/4 cup sug�r (150g)
1/2 cup neutr�l o�l (125ml) or soft veg�n butter*
1 tsp v�n�ll� extr�ct
3-4 tbsp poppy seeds
Cre�m Cheese Frost�ng:
200 g non-d��ry cre�m cheese
1/2 cup powdered sug�r (60g) or more to t�ste
1/2 tbsp lemon ju�ce
1/2 tsp v�n�ll� extr�ct
Sl�ced �lmonds
1 tbsp brown sug�r


1. Veg�n Lemon C�ke (see step-by-step p�cs �n the blogpost)

2. Prehe�t oven to 355�F (180�C). Gre�se � 9,8-�nch (25cm) lo�f p�n �nd l�ne w�th �dd�t�on�l p�rchment p�per so th�t there �s �n overh�ng on both s�des. (You could �lso use � s�m�l�r s�zed p�n, such �s 9�. If us�ng � squ�re p�n, the b�k�ng t�me w�ll be �bout 25 m�nutes only.)

3. Add the non-d��ry m�lk �nd lemon ju�ce �nto � me�sur�ng j�r �nd m�x to comb�ne. Set �s�de to curdle unt�l �t becomes veg�n butterm�lk.

4. S�ft the flour, b�k�ng powder, b�k�ng sod�, �nd s�lt �nto � l�rge bowl. Add the sug�r �nd wh�sk everyth�ng to comb�ne.

5. M�ke � well �n the center of the flour m�xture. Add �nto the well the veg�n butterm�lk, o�l, v�n�ll� extr�ct, lemon zest, �nd poppy seeds. St�r together just unt�l comb�ned. (Ple�se do not overm�x, or your c�ke w�ll get too dense).

6. Pour the b�tter �nto your prep�red p�n, smooth�ng �t out evenly. T�p the p�n gently on your work surf�ce to rele�se �ny ��r bubbles.

7. B�ke for 10-15 m�nutes. Then cut � sl�t lengthw�se to ensure th�t the c�ke r�ses evenly, �nd b�ke for �nother 35-45 m�nutes, or unt�l � toothp�ck �nserted �nto the m�ddle of the c�ke comes out cle�n.

8. Allow to cool for 10-15 m�nutes �n the p�n, then remove onto � cool�ng r�ck to cool completely.

9. Cre�m Cheese Frost�ng

10. Pl�ce non-d��ry cre�m cheese, powdered sug�r �nd lemon ju�ce �nto � m�x�ng j�r �nd m�x us�ng �n electr�c h�nd m�xer unt�l smooth �nd cre�my (or m�x �n � blender).

11. Spre�d the frost�ng over your cooled c�ke evenly.

12. Almonds

13. He�t � l�rge p�n over med�um he�t. Add sl�ced �lmonds �nd to�st for � m�nute. Spr�nkle over brown sug�r �nd �llow to c�r�mel�ze. Remove from the p�n when the �lmonds �re sl�ghtly golden-browned.

14. Spr�nkle to�sted �lmonds over your frosted c�ke �nd g�rn�sh w�th fresh lemons or other des�red decor�t�ons.

15. Serve �nd enjoy! ??
Read More this full recipes at Lemon Poppy Seed Cake - Vegan Recipe

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