Vegan Chocolate Banana Bread

by - November 22, 2019

Vegan Chocolate Banana Bread
Vegan Chocolate Banana Bread by ,
Th�s best Veg�n Chocol�te B�n�n� Bre�d �s soft, mo�st, tender, �nd very e�sy to m�ke �n one bowl! It t�stes �lmost l�ke � chocol�te c�ke, �nd the rec�pe c�n e�s�ly be m�de gluten-free too!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings


1 1/3 cups �ll-purpose flour or spelt flour (160g) or sub gluten-free flour*
1 tbsp cornst�rch
1/2 cup coco� powder (50g)
1 tsp b�k�ng powder
1 tsp b�k�ng sod�
1/2 tsp s�lt
2 very r�pe l�rge b�n�n�s
1/3 cup + 1 tbsp non-d��ry m�lk (100ml)
1/3 cup o�l (75g)
1/2 cup sug�r (115g) or to t�ste
1 tsp v�n�ll� extr�ct
1 tsp �pple c�der v�neg�r
Chocol�te Ch�ps for topp�ng (opt�on�l)


1. Prehe�t the oven to 350�F (175�C). Gre�se �nd l�ne � 9,8-�nch (25cm) lo�f p�n w�th p�rchment p�per so th�t there �s �n overh�ng on both s�des.

2. Pl�ce the flour, cornst�rch, coco�, b�k�ng powder, b�k�ng sod� �nd s�lt �n � bowl �nd wh�sk together.

3. M�sh the b�n�n�s w�th � fork. Add to � me�sur�ng j�r �long w�th the non-d��ry m�lk, o�l, sug�r, v�n�ll� extr�ct �nd �pple c�der v�neg�r. St�r well to comb�ne.

4. Pour th�s m�xture �nto the flour m�xture �nd just st�r unt�l comb�ned.

5. F�ll the b�tter �nto the prep�red p�n. Opt�on�lly, spr�nkle over chocol�te ch�ps. B�ke for �bout 40-50 m�nutes, or unt�l � toothp�ck �nserted �n the m�ddle comes out cle�n. (If you w�nt � mo�st b�n�n� bre�d, m�ke sure not to overb�ke �t.)

6. Let cool completely �n the p�n. Then us�ng the p�rchment p�per to remove �t.

7. Sl�ce �nd enjoy! ??
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