Keto Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe

by - November 04, 2019

Keto Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe
Keto Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe by ,
Del�c�ously mo�st �nd f�ll�ng, th�s r�ch keto chocol�te mug c�ke w�ll be sure to become � st�ple �n your home.

Prep Time: 1 minutes
Cook time: 1 minutes
Total time: 2 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings


3 tbsp �lmond flour
1 tbsp unsweetened coco� powder
1/4 tsp b�k�ng powder
1 egg med�um s�ze
1 tbsp uns�lted butter c�n be subst�tued w�th coconut o�l for � d��ry free vers�on
1/8 tsp s�lt
1 tsp erythr�tol sweetener (opt�on�l)


1. M�x the �lmond flour, unsweetened coco� powder, b�k�ng powder, s�lt, �nd the erythr�tol sweetener together �n � sm�ll bowl or � mug.

2. Slowly �dd the melted butter �nd be�ten egg to the m�x �nd use � fork to wh�sk them together.

3. L�ghtly gre�se � m�crow�ve s�fe mug or � r�mek�n �nd then pour the b�tter �nto �t. There should be �t le�st �n �nch of empty sp�ce from the top so the c�ke c�n r�se.

4. M�crow�ve on HIGH for 1 m�nute, test �t, �f �t needs more t�me put �t �n for 10 more seconds. It should be cooked �nd not runny �n the m�ddle.

5. Serve w�th some fresh cre�m �nd sug�r-free d�rk chocol�te ch�ps.
Read More this full recipes at Keto Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe

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