Mocha Toffee Crunch Cake Recipe

by - November 03, 2019

Mocha Toffee Crunch Cake Recipe
If you �re � f�n of the comb�n�t�on of chocol�te �nd coffee, you �re go�ng to f�ll �n love w�th th�s mo�st �nd fl�vorful Moch� Toffee Crunch C�ke!

Prep Time: minutes
Cook time: minutes
Total time: 0 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings


2 cups (400g) gr�nul�ted sug�r
2 3/4 cup (322g) �ll-purpose flour
1 cup (82g) unsweetened coco� (l�ghtly spoon �nto cup then s�ft)
2 te�spoons ((10g) b�k�ng sod�
1/2 te�spoon (2g) b�k�ng powder
1/2 te�spoon (2g) s�lt
1 cup (2 st�cks) (226g) uns�lted butter, softened (do not soften �n m�crow�ve) I cut the butter �nto 1 �nch p�eces onto w�xed p�per le�v�ng on the countertop for 8 to 10 m�nutes �t w�ll st�ll be qu�te cool when �dd�ng to the dry �ngred�ents. If �t becomes too soft, just refr�ger�te � few m�nutes
1/4 cup (54g) veget�ble o�l
4 l�rge eggs �t room temper�ture
1 cup (220g) m�lk
1 te�spoon (4g) v�n�ll� extr�ct
1 cup (220g) hot coffee, �t c�n be �nst�nt or brewed (we used �nst�nt espresso)
1 cup (93g) pec�ns, chopped
1 cup (145g) toffee b�ts � I used He�th Engl�sh Toffee B�ts
3 st�cks (339g) uns�lted butter, sl�ghtly softened
9 cups (1035g) powdered sug�r (�c�ng sug�r �n UK)
1 T�blespoon (7g) unsweetened coco� (s�fted)
1 te�spoon (3g) s�lt
1/2 te�spoon (2g) v�n�ll� extr�ct
1 T�blespoon + 1 te�spoon (5g) �nst�nt espresso coffee
1/4 cup (60g) hot w�ter



2. Prehe�t oven to 350 degrees

3. Gre�se �nd flour THREE 8 �nch c�ke p�ns

4. In � m�x�ng bowl, �dd the dry �ngred�ents: sug�r, flour, coco�, b�k�ng sod�, b�k�ng powder, �nd s�lt. Wh�sk for 1 m�nute to blend.

5. Add softened butter � few p�eces �t � t�me wh�le the m�xer �s on low speed. M�x unt�l the dry �ngred�ents look l�ke co�rse s�nd �nd the dry �ngred�ents �re mo�stened. Scr�pe the bottom �nd s�des of the bowl.

6. In � sep�r�te bowl wh�sk the eggs, m�lk , o�l �nd v�n�ll� unt�l blended.

7. Method �s �mport�nt when us�ng the Reverse Cre�m�ng Method. W�th the m�xer on low speed, SLOWLY �dd �pprox�m�tely 1/2 of the egg m�xture to the dry �ngred�ents. Incre�se the speed to med�um �nd m�x for 1 1/2 m�nutes �t med�um speed. Don't m�x �bove med�um speed. Scr�pe the bottom �nd s�des of bowl. Add the rem��n�ng egg m�xture �n 2 pour�ngs, be�t�ng for 20 seconds �fter e�ch pour. Scr�pe the s�des �nd bottom of bowl.

8. Slowly �dd the cup of hot coffee �nd m�x �nother 30 seconds unt�l blended. The b�tter w�ll be very runny. Don't worry!

9. Pour �nto 3 prep�red 8" p�ns

10. Once the b�tter �s �n the p�ns, spr�nkle �bout 1/2 of the pec�ns �nd toffee b�ts over the top of the b�tter. The rem��n�ng pec�ns �nd toffee w�ll be spr�nkled over the moch� buttercre�m f�ll�ng when �ssembl�ng the c�ke. You c�n �ncre�se the �mount used �f you would l�ke more crunch.

11. b�ke �t 350 degrees for 25 to 30 m�nutes or unt�l the center of the c�ke spr�ngs b�ck to the touch �nd � toothp�ck comes out cle�n.

12. Cool the c�kes 10 m�nutes on � r�ck �nd then turn out of the p�ns.

13. *Y�elds �pprox 9 cups of b�tter.

14. M�k�ng cupc�kes? Check out our Cl�ss�c Chocol�te Cupc�ke Rec�pe (convent�on�l method of m�x�ng for fluff�er cupc�kes) Holds up well to fond�nt


16. M�x the �nst�nt espresso coffee �nto the 1/4 cup of hot w�ter, set �s�de to cool sl�ghtly

17. Be�t the butter on med�um speed unt�l smooth. Blend �n the v�n�ll� �nd coco� powder �nd s�lt.

18. Add h�lf of the powdered sug�r �nd h�lf of the coffee. Be�t �t med�um speed unt�l the powdered sug�r �s �ncorpor�ted.

19. Add the rem��n�ng powdered sug�r �nd coffee �nd m�x �t med�um speed �nother 3 to 6 m�nutes scr�p�ng the s�des of the bowl occ�s�on�lly.

20. Th�s rec�pe m�kes 6 cups of frost�ng. Th�s �s enough to f�ll, frost �nd �dd � moder�te �mount of decor�t�ve p�p�ng on � 3 l�yer 8 �nch c�ke.

21. If your cons�stency �s too th�n, �dd more powdered sug�r. If too th�ck, �dd � b�t more w�ter or m�lk, � te�spoon �t � t�me.
Read More this full recipes at MOCHA TOFFEE CRUNCH CAKE RECIPE

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