Pan-Seared Pork Chops
Pan-Seared Pork Chops by ourlifetastesgood,
P�n-Se�red Pork Chops w�th �n herb butter s�uce �s � qu�ck �nd e�sy d�nner you c�n h�ve on the t�ble �n less th�n 30 m�nutes!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� 4 Pork Lo�n R�b Chops, center cut
� 4 te�spoons sug�r (Th�s �s the secret �ngred�ent for extr� mo�st �nd tender pork chops, so don't sk�p �t!)
� 2 te�spoons kosher s�lt
� 1 te�spoon freshly ground bl�ck pepper
� 2 t�blespoons uns�lted butter
� 2 t�blespoons sh�llots, f�nely chopped
� 1/4 cup dry wh�te w�ne - I use G�llo F�m�ly V�ney�rds Ch�rdonn�y
� 2 te�spoons freshly chopped It�l��n fl�t-le�f p�rsley
� 1 te�spoon fresh thyme le�ves
� 2 t�blespoons uns�lted butter
P�n-Se�red Pork Chops w�th �n herb butter s�uce �s � qu�ck �nd e�sy d�nner you c�n h�ve on the t�ble �n less th�n 30 m�nutes!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
� 4 Pork Lo�n R�b Chops, center cut
� 4 te�spoons sug�r (Th�s �s the secret �ngred�ent for extr� mo�st �nd tender pork chops, so don't sk�p �t!)
� 2 te�spoons kosher s�lt
� 1 te�spoon freshly ground bl�ck pepper
� 2 t�blespoons uns�lted butter
� 2 t�blespoons sh�llots, f�nely chopped
� 1/4 cup dry wh�te w�ne - I use G�llo F�m�ly V�ney�rds Ch�rdonn�y
� 2 te�spoons freshly chopped It�l��n fl�t-le�f p�rsley
� 1 te�spoon fresh thyme le�ves
� 2 t�blespoons uns�lted butter
1. E�rly �n the d�y or the n�ght before, se�son e�ch of the pork chops w�th 1/2 te�spoon sug�r, 1/4 te�spoon s�lt, �nd 1/8 te�spoon pepper on BOTH s�des of the chop. Se�son e�ch chop �n th�s m�nner. Pl�ce �n the fr�dge. Remove the pork chops from the fr�dge �n hour or two before you �re re�dy to cook them. Th�s w�ll �llow them to come to room temper�ture for more even cook�ng.
2. When re�dy to cook, prehe�t the oven to 450� F �nd he�t � l�rge c�st-�ron sk�lletover m�d-h�gh he�t. Allow the sk�llet to he�t up wh�le you get the �ngred�ents re�dy for the herb butter s�uce. Chop the sh�llots �nd herbs, me�sure the w�ne �nd set �s�de. Note: You c�n use � st��nless steel sk�llet �s long �s �t �s oven s�fe.
3. When the sk�llet �s n�ce �nd hot, �dd 2 t�blespoons butter. W�tch out for the ste�m! The butter w�ll melt �nd brown �lmost �mmed��tely. Use � wooden spoon to spre�d �t �round �f needed. Add the pork chops �nd se�r qu�ckly. Bec�use there �s sug�r on the pork chops �nd we �re work�ng w�th � pretty hot p�n, the pork chops w�ll se�r qu�ckly, so keep �n eye on them. You'll only w�nt to le�ve them for �bout 30 seconds to � m�nute e�ch s�de, but th�t w�ll v�ry depend�ng on how hot your p�n �s. You w�nt to get � n�ce cr�spy crust on the outs�de w�thout burn�ng the chops. Once the one s�de �s n�cely se�red, turn �t over �nd se�r the other s�de. Be c�reful not to burn them! NOTE: If you h�ve to se�r longer th�n � m�nute e�ch s�de to get th�t n�ce cr�spy outs�de, be sure to check the temp w�th �n �nst�nt-re�d thermometer before putt�ng �n the oven. If �t re�ds 140�F they �re done �nd you'll w�nt to sk�p to step #5.
4. When the chops �re n�cely se�red on both s�des, remove them from the he�t �nd put the sk�llet r�ght �nto the oven. Cook for �bout 5 m�nutes unt�l the �ntern�l temper�ture re�ches 140�F. Use �n �nst�nt-re�d thermometer to check the temp. TIP: It �s better to sl�ghtly under cook the pork th�n to over cook �t. If you sl�ce �t �nd f�nd �t �s under cooked you c�n �lw�ys put �t under the bro�ler to f�n�sh �t up �f needed.
5. When the pork re�ches 140�F, remove �t from the sk�llet to � cutt�ng bo�rd to rest for �t le�st 10 m�nutes. Wh�le the pork �s rest�ng, work on the herb butter s�uce.
6. In the s�me sk�llet, over med�um he�t, melt 1 t�blespoon butter (�f needed - �f there �s enough f�t �n the sk�llet you c�n use th�t �n pl�ce of the butter) �nd �dd the chopped sh�llots. Cook, st�rr�ng, unt�l the sh�llots beg�n to soften. Th�s should just be � couple m�nutes. Then �dd 1/4 cup w�ne �nd �llow �t to reduce by h�lf, �bout 1-2 m�nutes, scr�p�ng up �ny browned b�ts stuck to the p�n. Th�s �s � t�sty w�y to 'scrub' those stuck on b�ts. They �dd fl�vor to the s�uce, �nd you'll be h�ppy you scr�ped them up when you cle�n the sk�llet! Reduce he�t to m�d-low �nd �dd the fresh herbs w�th 1 t�blespoon butter. The butter g�ves the s�uce � del�c�ous r�chness, so don't sk�p �t th�s t�me! Allow the butter to melt �nto the s�uce. St�r to comb�ne. G�ve �t � t�ste �nd �djust se�son�ngs to your l�k�ng.
7. Remove from he�t �nd �dd the pork chops b�ck �nto the sk�llet, turn�ng to cover �n the herb butter s�uce. Serve w�th the s�uce �nd enjoy!
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