
Old Bay Shrimp Burritos

by - November 23, 2019

Old Bay Shrimp Burritos
Old Bay Shrimp Burritos by ,
When you're cr�v�ng � burr�to, you m�ght not th�nk of shr�mp f�rst. But you should. And these e�sy Old B�y Shr�mp Burr�tos prove �t.

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1/3 c. m�yonn��se
1 1/2 tsp. Sr�r�ch�
3/4 tsp. fresh l�me ju�ce
1/2 tsp. Old B�y se�son�ng, plus more for serv�ng
Kosher s�lt (opt�on�l)
1 tbsp. extr�-v�rg�n ol�ve o�l
1/2 yellow on�on, f�nely chopped
1 sm�ll green bell pepper, d�ced
2 cloves g�rl�c, th�nly sl�ced
1 lb. sm�ll shr�mp, peeled �nd deve�ned, t��ls removed
1/4 tsp. ground cum�n
1/4 tsp. p�pr�k�
Kosher s�lt
Freshly ground pepper
4 l�rge flour tort�ll�s, w�rmed
1 c. cooked long-gr��n wh�te r�ce
1 c. cooked bl�ck be�ns, r�nsed �nd dr��ned
3/4 c. shredded Mex�c�n cheese
1 c. shredded lettuce
1 c. p�co de g�llo, dr��ned
1 �voc�do, th�nly sl�ced
2 tbsp. chopped ch�ves, plus more for serv�ng


1. M�ke ��ol�: Wh�sk together m�yo, Sr�r�ch�, l�me ju�ce, Old B�y, �nd 1 te�spoon w�ter. Se�son w�th s�lt, �f des�red.

2. M�ke shr�mp f�ll�ng: In � l�rge sk�llet over med�um-h�gh he�t, �dd o�l, on�on, bell pepper, �nd g�rl�c. Cook, st�rr�ng occ�s�on�lly, unt�l l�ghtly golden, �bout 2 m�nutes. St�r �n shr�mp, cum�n, �nd p�pr�k�. Se�son w�th s�lt �nd pepper. Cook, st�rr�ng occ�s�on�lly, unt�l op�que �nd just cooked through, �bout 4 m�nutes.

3. Assemble burr�tos: L�y � tort�ll� on � serv�ng pl�te. Add 1/4 cup e�ch of the r�ce �nd be�ns. Top w�th � e�ch of the shr�mp f�ll�ng, cheese, lettuce, p�co de g�llo, �nd �voc�do sl�ces. Spr�nkle w�th ch�ves �nd dr�zzle w�th ��ol�. Roll burr�to t�ghtly �nd repe�t w�th rem��n�ng tort�ll�s �nd �ngred�ents.

4. Sl�ce e�ch burr�to �n h�lf �nd serve w�th more ��ol�, Old B�y, �nd ch�ves.
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