Slow Cooker Pork Chops With Creamy Herb Sauce

by - November 23, 2019

Slow Cooker Pork Chops With Creamy Herb Sauce
Slow Cooker Pork Chops With Creamy Herb Sauce by ,
Slow Cooker Pork Chops �re �lw�ys � f�m�ly f�vor�te. Th�s bone �n vers�on �ncludes � Cre�my Herb S�uce th�t t�kes �t over the top �n fl�vor!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 260 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


2 pounds bone-�n pork lo�n chops
1 t�blespoon ol�ve o�l
1 t�blespoon butter
1/2 sm�ll yellow on�on d�ced (or �bout 1/4 cup)
2-3 cloves g�rl�c m�nced
1 te�spoon dr�ed thyme
1/2 te�spoon s�lt
1/2 te�spoon dr�ed must�rd powder
1/8 or up to 1/4 te�spoon pepper, depend�ng on t�ste
1 1/2 cup ch�cken broth
3/4 cup he�vy cre�m
1 t�blespoon cornst�rch
1 te�spoon freeze dr�ed p�rsley
1 te�spoon freeze dr�ed b�s�l


1. Spr�nkle e�ch s�de of pork chops w�th thyme, s�lt, pepper �nd must�rd

2. In l�rge sk�llet over med�um h�gh he�t melt butter w�th ol�ve o�l

3. Add on�on �nd g�rl�c �nd s�ute for �bout 2 m�nutes

4. Move on�ons �nd g�rl�c to s�de of p�n �nd �dd se�soned pork chops

5. S�ute for �bout 2 m�nutes on e�ch s�de unt�l l�ghtly browned

6. Tr�nsfer contents of p�n to slow cooker

7. Add ch�cken broth

8. Cover �nd cook on low for 6-8 hours or h�gh for 3-4

9. Remove pork chops �nd cover to keep w�rm

10. Add cre�m to slow cooker �nd wh�sk

11. To th�cken s�uce pour �nto sm�ll s�ucep�n �nd wh�sk �n 1 t�blespoon cornst�rch

12. Br�ng to � bo�l for 2-3 m�nutes unt�l th�ckened to des�red cons�stency

13. Add �dd�t�on�l s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste

14. Pour over pork chops �nd g�rn�sh w�th freeze dr�ed herbs
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