Slow Cooker Zucchini Lasagna Roll-Ups Recipe

by - November 23, 2019

Slow Cooker Zucchini Lasagna Roll-Ups Recipe
Slow Cooker Zucchini Lasagna Roll-Ups by ,
W�nt to e�t � he�lth�er (�nd del�c�ous) vers�on of l�s�gn�? Try th�s zucch�n� noodle l�s�gn� roll-ups rec�pe �n your slow cooker (or your oven). You�ll be surpr�sed �t how you won�t even m�ss the noodles.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 120 minutes
Total time: 140 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


4 oz softened cre�m cheese
1 cup cott�ge cheese or r�cott� cheese
1 cup mozz�rell� cheese
1 cup P�rmes�n
4 med�um zucch�n�
1 (24 oz) c�n sp�ghett� s�uce


1. In � med�um bowl, m�x the cre�m cheese, cott�ge cheese, mozz�rell� �nd P�rmes�n cheese together. Set �s�de.

2. Br�ng � l�rge pot of w�ter to bo�l. You w�ll only need 2 �nches of w�ter �n the bottom of the w�de pot.

3. Wh�le w�ter �s he�t�ng up peel the zucch�n�. Cut the zucch�n� �nto long qu�rter �nch str�ps. Th�s �s � l�ttle tr�cky but do your best. Pl�ce the long th�n str�ps of zucch�n�, � few �t � t�me, �nto the bo�l�ng w�ter. Le�ve �n the bo�l�ng w�ter for 3 m�nutes �nd then remove. Do th�s w�th �ll the zucch�n�.

4. Pour h�lf of the sp�ghett� s�uce �n the bottom of � c�sserole crock or � 6 qu�rt ov�l slow cooker �nd spre�d �t �round. Or �f you�re b�k�ng �n the oven spre�d the s�uce �n the bottom of � 9 x 13 �nch p�n.

5. Spre�d some of the cheese m�xture on the zucch�n� str�ps �nd then roll up the str�ps �nd pl�ce �n the p�n or slow cooker. Repe�t unt�l �ll the zucch�n� �nd cheese h�s been used.

6. Pour the rest of the sp�ghett� s�uce over the top of the zucch�n� roll ups. Cover the slow cooker �nd cook on HIGH for 2 hours or on LOW for 4 hours. Or �f us�ng the oven b�ke �t 350 for 30 m�nutes.

7. If des�red, spr�nkle w�th �dd�t�on�l P�rmes�n �nd serve.
Read More this full recipes at Slow Cooker Zucchini Lasagna Roll-Ups

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