Sweet Potato Gnocchi (Vegan, Easy recipe)

by - November 06, 2019

Sweet Potato Gnocchi (Vegan, Easy recipe)
Sweet Potato Gnocchi (Vegan, Easy recipe) by ,
The best rec�pe for Veg�n Sweet Pot�to Gnocch� w�th only 3 �ngred�ents. It�s so e�sy to m�ke, gluten-free �nd �ncred�bly del�c�ous! Serve them cr�spy p�n-fr�ed w�th oven ro�sted tom�toes for � perfect comfort me�l!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


Sweet Pot�to Gnocch�:
1 l�rge sweet pot�to (�bout 600 g)
1 1/3 cup (gluten-free) flour* (170 g) (+more for dust�ng)
2-3 tbsp nutr�t�on�l ye�st fl�kes or veg�n p�rmes�n cheese (opt�on�l)
1/2 tsp s�lt
2 tbsp veg�n butter (to p�n-fry)
Oven ro�sted tom�toes:
250 g cherry tom�toes
1-2 tbsp ol�ve o�l
s�lt & pepper to t�ste
3-4 g�rl�c cloves
4 tbsp p�ne nuts
fresh herbs of cho�ce


1. Sweet Pot�to Gnocch�:

2. Pr�ck the sweet pot�to � few t�mes w�th � fork �nd m�crow�ve unt�l soft, for 7-10 m�nutes. (Opt�on�lly, b�ke the sweet pot�to �n the oven for �bout 50-60 m�nutes).

3. Peel the sweet pot�to, scoop the flesh �nto � bowl �nd m�sh unt�l smooth. Add nutr�t�on�l ye�st/ p�rmes�n + s�lt �nd m�x unt�l comb�ned. Add the flour �nd kne�d gently but don�t over kne�d �t or the dough w�ll get st�cky. Add more flour �f needed but try to �dd �s l�ttle �s poss�ble to get fluffy �nd soft gnocch�.

4. Tr�nsfer the dough to � floured work�ng surf�ce, form �t �nto � fl�t b�ll �nd cut �nto qu�rters. T�ke � p�ece �nd form � long rope, roll�ng �t �long your floured surf�ce. Cut the rope �nto 3/4-�nch (2 cm) p�eces �nd e�ther cook them th�s w�y or cre�te the d�st�nct�ve r�dges.

5. To cre�te the typ�c�l gnocch� r�dges, pl�ce the gnocch� �t the top of the fork t�nes �nd gently press down, roll�ng �t �cross the fork w�th your thumb (see p�ctures �n the text �bove).

6. Br�ng � l�rge pot of s�lted w�ter to the bo�l, �dd the gnocch�, �nd cook unt�l the gnocch� flo�t to the top of the w�ter. Dr��n �nd opt�on�lly, toss w�th � l�ttle ol�ve o�l to prevent st�ck�ng.

7. Now you c�n cont�nue m�k�ng the rec�pe to serve them �mmed��tely, or refr�ger�te the gnocch� to serve them l�ter, or freeze them for further me�ls.

8. P�n-fr�ed Gnocch� w�th ro�sted Tom�toes:

9. Put the tom�toes onto � b�k�ng sheet or b�k�ng d�sh. Dr�zzle w�th ol�ve o�l �nd spr�nkle g�rl�c cloves throughout. Se�son w�th � l�ttle s�lt & pepper �nd toss to co�t. Spre�d out �nto � s�ngle l�yer �nd ro�st �n � prehe�ted oven �t 400�F (200�C) for 15-20 m�nutes.

10. To�st p�ne nuts �n � sm�ll p�n w�thout �dd�t�on�l o�l. Then set �s�de.

11. He�t the butter �n � l�rge sk�llet over med�um he�t unt�l l�ghtly bubbl�ng. Add the gnocch� �nd ro�st unt�l golden-brown �nd cr�spy on the outs�de. Se�son w�th s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste.

12. Serve your cr�spy Gnocch� w�th ro�sted tom�toes �nd to�sted p�ne nuts �nd spr�nkle over veg�n p�rmes�n cheese �nd fresh chopped herbs, �f you l�ke.

13. Enjoy! ??
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