Easy Healthy Spinach Tortillas Recipe

by - Oktober 21, 2019

Easy Healthy Spinach Tortillas Recipe by ,
Homem�de sp�n�ch tort�ll�s w�th 3 �ngred�ents only (w�ter �nd s�lt not counted). Th�s rec�pe �s he�lthy, gluten-free, veg�n, �nd e�sy to m�ke. Perfect for people who love wr�ps, t�cos, burr�tos, ench�l�d�s, ques�d�ll�s but c�nnot consume whe�t or corn. Also gre�t for k�ds s�nce the sp�n�ch �n these wr�ps �s �lmost t�steless!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings


1 cup ch�ckpe� flour �lso c�lled g�rb�nzo be�n flour (120 g)
1/2 cup t�p�oc� flour/st�rch (60 g)
2 oz fresh b�by sp�n�ch le�ves (60 g)
1 - 1 1/8 cup w�ter (240-270 ml)
1/3 tsp s�lt


1. Process �ll �ngred�ents �n your food processor or blender unt�l the b�tter �s smooth. Use 1 cup of w�ter �f you pl�n to m�ke th�cker/sm�ller tort�ll�s for t�cos. Add �bout 1 1/8 cup of w�ter �f you w�nt to m�ke th�nner/b�gger tort�ll�s for e.g. burr�tos.

2. Pour �bout 1/3 cup of the b�tter �nto � non-st�ck sk�llet. You c�n �dd � few drops of o�l to the sk�llet but I m�de the exper�ence th�t the tort�ll�s turn out gre�t w�thout o�l. M�ke sure to use � non-st�ck sk�llet.

3. Cook for two m�nutes on low-med�um he�t, fl�p the tort�ll� �nd cook on the other s�de for �bout one m�nute. Enjoy your he�lthy sp�n�ch tort�ll�s!

4. Notes
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