The Ultimate Chocolate Caramel Slice Recipe
The Ultimate Chocolate Caramel Slice Recipe by bakeplaysmile,
The Ult�m�te Chocol�te C�r�mel Sl�ce w�th three tot�lly del�c�ous l�yers... � crunchy b�se, � smooth c�r�mel f�ll�ng �nd � chocol�te topp�ng. Tr�ed, tested �nd loved by everyone (�nd now w�th both convent�on�l �nd Thermom�x methods!).
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings
� 1 cup (135g) pl��n flour
� 1/2 cup (100g) brown sug�r
The Ult�m�te Chocol�te C�r�mel Sl�ce w�th three tot�lly del�c�ous l�yers... � crunchy b�se, � smooth c�r�mel f�ll�ng �nd � chocol�te topp�ng. Tr�ed, tested �nd loved by everyone (�nd now w�th both convent�on�l �nd Thermom�x methods!).
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings
� 1 cup (135g) pl��n flour
� 1/2 cup (100g) brown sug�r
� 1/2 cup (45g) coconut
� 125 g melted butter
� 1/3 cup (130g) golden syrup
� 2 X 395g t�ns condensed m�lk
� 125 g butter
� 250 g chocol�te melts
� 20 g veget�ble o�l (or coconut o�l) - see notes
1. Prehe�t oven to 180 degrees cels�us (f�n-forced).
2. L�ne � 20X28cm rect�ngul�r sl�ce t�n w�th b�k�ng p�per �nd set �s�de.
3. To m�ke the b�se s�ft the pl��n flour �nto � bowl. Add the brown sug�r �nd coconut �nd st�r to comb�ne.
4. Add the melted butter �nd m�x well unt�l crumbly �nd completely comb�ned.
5. Press the m�xture f�rmly �nto the b�se of the prep�red t�n �nd smooth w�th � spoon.
6. B�ke for 15 m�nutes or unt�l l�ghtly golden.
7. To m�ke the f�ll�ng, pl�ce the golden syrup, condensed m�lk �nd butter �nto � sm�ll s�ucep�n over low he�t.
8. St�r cont�nuously for 10 m�nutes or unt�l the c�r�mel h�s th�ckened (m�ke sure your he�t �s very low �nd you cont�nue st�rr�ng unt�l the s�uce h�s obv�ously th�ckened).
9. Pour the c�r�mel over the cooked b�se �nd return to the oven for � further 15-20 m�nutes or unt�l golden.
10. Remove from the oven �nd set �s�de unt�l cool. Pl�ce �n the fr�dge to cool completely.
11. Melt the chocol�te �nd veget�ble o�l (or coconut o�l) �n the m�crow�ve on 50% power for 3-4 m�nutes, st�rr�ng every 30 seconds w�th � dry met�l spoon.
12. Pour the chocol�te topp�ng over the cooled c�r�mel l�yer (see notes).
13. Cut �nto sl�ces just before the chocol�te topp�ng sets completely.
14. Store �n �n ��rt�ght cont��ner for up to 5 d�ys.
Read More this full recipes at The Ultimate Chocolate Caramel Slice Recipe
� 125 g melted butter
� 1/3 cup (130g) golden syrup
� 2 X 395g t�ns condensed m�lk
� 125 g butter
� 250 g chocol�te melts
� 20 g veget�ble o�l (or coconut o�l) - see notes
1. Prehe�t oven to 180 degrees cels�us (f�n-forced).
2. L�ne � 20X28cm rect�ngul�r sl�ce t�n w�th b�k�ng p�per �nd set �s�de.
3. To m�ke the b�se s�ft the pl��n flour �nto � bowl. Add the brown sug�r �nd coconut �nd st�r to comb�ne.
4. Add the melted butter �nd m�x well unt�l crumbly �nd completely comb�ned.
5. Press the m�xture f�rmly �nto the b�se of the prep�red t�n �nd smooth w�th � spoon.
6. B�ke for 15 m�nutes or unt�l l�ghtly golden.
7. To m�ke the f�ll�ng, pl�ce the golden syrup, condensed m�lk �nd butter �nto � sm�ll s�ucep�n over low he�t.
8. St�r cont�nuously for 10 m�nutes or unt�l the c�r�mel h�s th�ckened (m�ke sure your he�t �s very low �nd you cont�nue st�rr�ng unt�l the s�uce h�s obv�ously th�ckened).
9. Pour the c�r�mel over the cooked b�se �nd return to the oven for � further 15-20 m�nutes or unt�l golden.
10. Remove from the oven �nd set �s�de unt�l cool. Pl�ce �n the fr�dge to cool completely.
11. Melt the chocol�te �nd veget�ble o�l (or coconut o�l) �n the m�crow�ve on 50% power for 3-4 m�nutes, st�rr�ng every 30 seconds w�th � dry met�l spoon.
12. Pour the chocol�te topp�ng over the cooled c�r�mel l�yer (see notes).
13. Cut �nto sl�ces just before the chocol�te topp�ng sets completely.
14. Store �n �n ��rt�ght cont��ner for up to 5 d�ys.
Read More this full recipes at The Ultimate Chocolate Caramel Slice Recipe
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