Slow Cooker Orange Chicken

by - Oktober 21, 2019

Slow Cooker Orange Chicken by ,
Slow Cooker Or�nge Ch�cken, desp�te �ts unn�tur�lly br�ght-or�nge hue, or�nge ch�cken �s � t�keout d�nner f�vor�te.

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 85 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


For the ch�cken:
1/4 cup cornst�rch
1 te�spoon kosher s�lt
1/2 te�spoon freshly ground bl�ck pepper
1 1/2 pounds boneless, sk�nless ch�cken bre�sts or th�ghs, cut �nto 1 1/2-�nch p�eces
2 t�blespoons veget�ble o�l
For the or�nge s�uce:
1 t�blespoon f�nely gr�ted or�nge zest (from 1 or�nge)
3/4 cup freshly squeezed or�nge ju�ce (from 2 or�nges)
1/4 cup gr�nul�ted sug�r
3 t�blespoons honey
1 t�blespoon cornst�rch
1 t�blespoon low-sod�um t�m�r� or soy s�uce
1 t�blespoon r�ce v�neg�r
2 cloves g�rl�c, m�nced
1 te�spoon to�sted (As��n) ses�me o�l
1/2 te�spoon gr�ted peeled fresh g�nger
1/4 te�spoon red pepper fl�kes
For serv�ng:
Cooked wh�te r�ce
Wh�te ses�me seeds
Th�nly sl�ced sc�ll�ons
Or�nge sl�ces


1. M�ke the ch�cken: M�x the cornst�rch, s�lt, �nd pepper together �n � g�llon-s�zed z�p-top b�g. Add the ch�cken p�eces, se�l the b�g, �nd sh�ke unt�l the ch�cken �s well-co�ted.

2. He�t the o�l �n � l�rge nonst�ck sk�llet over med�um-h�gh he�t unt�l sh�mmer�ng, �bout 3 m�nutes. Add the ch�cken �n b�tches, m�k�ng sure not to crowd the p�n, �nd cook �bout 2 m�nutes per s�de. The ch�cken m�ght not brown, but the cornst�rch co�t�ng w�ll become cr�spy �nd dry. The ch�cken w�ll not be completely cooked �t th�s po�nt, �nd th�t �s OK. Tr�nsfer the ch�cken to � 4-qu�rt slow cooker �nd repe�t w�th �ny rem��n�ng ch�cken.

3. M�ke the s�uce: Pl�ce �ll the �ngred�ents �n � med�um bowl �nd wh�sk to comb�ne. Pour over the ch�cken.

4. Cover �nd cook unt�l ch�cken re�ches 165�F on �n �nst�nt-re�d thermometer, 1 1/2 to 2 hours on the LOW sett�ng or 45 m�nutes to 1 hour on the HIGH sett�ng.

5. Us�ng � slotted spoon, tr�nsfer the ch�cken to � bowl. Pour the s�uce �nto � l�rge sk�llet �nd br�ng to � bo�l over med�um-h�gh he�t. Cook unt�l the s�uce �s reduced by h�lf �nd th�ckens enough to co�t the b�ck of � spoon, �bout 7 m�nutes. Add the ch�cken to the s�uce �nd toss to comb�ne.

6. To serve, spoon over cooked r�ce, spr�nkle w�th ses�me seeds �nd sc�ll�ons, �nd serve w�th or�nge sl�ces, �f des�red.
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