Easy Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe

by - Oktober 21, 2019

Easy Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe
Easy Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe by ,
Th�s veg�n Mushroom Strog�noff �s cre�my, fl�vorful, �nd very del�c�ous. The rec�pe �s gluten-free, pl�nt-b�sed, perfect for lunch or d�nner, qu�ck �nd e�sy to m�ke (re�dy �n less th�n 30 m�nutes)!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings


1 on�on d�ced
2-3 cloves of g�rl�c, m�nced
1 tbsp veget�ble o�l
11 oz mushrooms, sl�ced (300 g)
4 tbsp wh�te w�ne (opt�on�l)
1 tbsp t�m�r� or soy s�uce
3/4 cup veget�ble broth or w�ter (180 ml)
3/4 cup pl�nt-b�sed m�lk or cre�m (180 ml)
2 tbsp cornst�rch
Sp�ce m�xture: 1 tsp on�on powder, 1/2 tsp g�rl�c powder, 1/2 tsp smoked p�pr�k�, � p�nch of ch�l� fl�kes, se� s�lt & pepper to t�ste
1 tbsp nutr�t�on�l ye�st fl�kes (opt�on�l)
Fresh thyme le�ves �nd/or p�rsley (�nd/or t�rr�gon), chopped
Serve w�th brown r�ce or p�st� of cho�ce


1. He�t o�l �n � l�rge p�n/sk�llet, �dd on�on �nd fry for �bout 5 m�nutes. Add g�rl�c �nd fry for � further 1 m�nute.

2. Now �dd the mushrooms �nd fry over med�um he�t for �bout 5 m�ns.

3. Pour �n wh�te w�ne (opt�on�l), veget�ble broth, t�m�r� (or soy s�uce), �nd the sp�ce m�xture. I love �dd�ng nutr�t�on�l ye�st fl�kes �s well but th�t's opt�on�l! Br�ng to � bo�l.

4. Add cornst�rch to the pl�nt-b�sed m�lk or cre�m (I used c�nned coconut m�lk, however, �lmond m�lk, o�t m�lk/cre�m or soy m�lk/cre�m �s f�ne too) �nd st�r to d�ssolve.

5. Pour the m�lk/cre�m m�xture �nto the p�n �nd cook on low-med�um he�t for �bout 10 m�nutes unt�l the s�uce th�ckens. T�ste �nd �djust se�son�ngs �s to your preference.

6. Add fresh thyme le�ves �nd/or p�rsley �nd/or t�rr�gon to t�ste! Enjoy w�th brown r�ce or p�st� of cho�ce!
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