Vegan Crunchwrap Supreme Recipe
Vegan Crunchwrap Supreme Recipe by pinchofyum,
Th�s veg�n crunchwr�p �s INSANE! You c�n stuff th�s b�d boy w�th wh�tever you l�ke � I m�de �t w�th sofr�t�s tofu �nd c�shew queso. SO GOOD! F�vor�te veg�n rec�pe to d�te.
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� Sp�cy Sofr�t�s Tofu
� 3 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l
� 16 ounces extr� f�rm tofu (press out some l�qu�d f�rst)
� 2 t�blespoons t�co se�son�ng (�dd �bout 1 te�spoon s�lt �f �t�s uns�lted)
� 2 ch�potle peppers, m�nced
� 1/3 to 1/2 cup s�ls�
� C�shew Queso
� 1 cup c�shews
� 1/2 cup w�ter
� 1 c�n d�ced green ch�les (or less, to t�ste)
� 1 te�spoon t�co se�son�ng (�dd � p�nch of s�lt �f �t�s uns�lted)
� Crunchwr�ps
� huge burr�to-s�zed flour tort�ll�s
� someth�ng crunchy: tost�d�s, tort�ll� ch�ps or, d�re I s�y, Dor�tos / Hot Cheetos (!!)
� ro�sted veget�bles
� bl�ck be�ns
� �voc�dos
� fresh stuff: tom�toes, c�bb�ge sl�w, lettuce, c�l�ntro
� s�ls�
Th�s veg�n crunchwr�p �s INSANE! You c�n stuff th�s b�d boy w�th wh�tever you l�ke � I m�de �t w�th sofr�t�s tofu �nd c�shew queso. SO GOOD! F�vor�te veg�n rec�pe to d�te.
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
� Sp�cy Sofr�t�s Tofu
� 3 t�blespoons ol�ve o�l
� 16 ounces extr� f�rm tofu (press out some l�qu�d f�rst)
� 2 t�blespoons t�co se�son�ng (�dd �bout 1 te�spoon s�lt �f �t�s uns�lted)
� 2 ch�potle peppers, m�nced
� 1/3 to 1/2 cup s�ls�
� C�shew Queso
� 1 cup c�shews
� 1/2 cup w�ter
� 1 c�n d�ced green ch�les (or less, to t�ste)
� 1 te�spoon t�co se�son�ng (�dd � p�nch of s�lt �f �t�s uns�lted)
� Crunchwr�ps
� huge burr�to-s�zed flour tort�ll�s
� someth�ng crunchy: tost�d�s, tort�ll� ch�ps or, d�re I s�y, Dor�tos / Hot Cheetos (!!)
� ro�sted veget�bles
� bl�ck be�ns
� �voc�dos
� fresh stuff: tom�toes, c�bb�ge sl�w, lettuce, c�l�ntro
� s�ls�
1. Sofr�t�s Tofu: He�t o�l over med�um h�gh he�t �n � l�rge nonst�ck sk�llet. Add tofu �nd bre�k �p�rt �nto crumbles. Add t�co se�son�ng, s�lt, ch�potles, �nd s�ls�. Get �t �ll go�ng �n the p�n, n�ce �nd hot. F�n�sh by lett�ng everyth�ng s�t w�thout st�rr�ng for �nother 10+ m�nutes (�dd�ng o�l to prevent st�ck�ng �s needed) unt�l you get some n�ce browned, �lmost-crunchy p�eces.
2. C�shew Queso: Blend everyth�ng together �ggress�vely unt�l smooth!
3. Crunch Wr�p T�me: L�y � l�rge tort�ll� on � fl�t surf�ce. L�yer: tofu, queso, crunchy stuff, �nd �ny other extr�s you w�nt �n there. Fold �n the edges of the tort�ll� tow�rd the center. Pl�ce �n � hot o�led sk�llet, se�m s�de down. Cook for � few m�nutes on e�ch s�de unt�l the exter�or �s f�rm, crunchy, �nd golden brown. Cut �nd serve!
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