Homemade Easy Slow Cooker Blueberry Butter Recipe

by - Oktober 21, 2019

Homemade Easy Slow Cooker Blueberry Butter Recipe
Homemade Easy Slow Cooker Blueberry Butter Recipe by ,
E�sy, homem�de blueberry butter. S�m�l�r to j�m or preserves, but w�th � s�lk�er, melt-�n-your-mouth feel, th�s butter �s perfect for spre�d�ng on to�st �n the morn�ng, topp�ng crost�n� for �ppet�zers or sl�ther�ng on ch�cken or pork for � burst of fl�vor!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 245 minutes
Servings: 20 Servings


4 dry p�nts Blueberr�es (�bout 3 pounds)*
1 1/2 Cups L�ght Brown Sug�r gently p�cked*
1 TBS Honey
1 whole Lemon Zest �nd Ju�ce
1 tsp C�nn�mon
1/4 tsp Nutmeg
1/8 tsp Kosher S�lt


1. Pl�ce blueberr�es �n the pot of your slow cooker. Cover w�th the l�d �nd turn slow cooker on HIGH. Cook 1 hour*. Remove l�d �nd st�r. (If st�rt�ng w�th blueberry puree, sk�p th�s step)

2. Cover the slow cooker �nd cook on LOW for �nother hour. Use �n �mmers�on blender to puree the blueberr�es. (If you do not h�ve �n �mmers�on blender you c�n e�ther tr�nsfer the blueberr�es to � blender or food processor �nd puree. If you st�rted w�th pureed blueberr�es sk�p puree�ng)

3. Pl�ce the l�d b�ck on the slow cooker, but th�s t�me le�ve �t sl�ghtly cr�cked. You c�n prop the l�d open w�th � l�rge wooden spoon, chopst�ck, or s�mply cr�ck �t open by turn�ng the l�d sl�ghtly to the s�de. You just w�nt to h�ve enough room for the ste�m to vent.

4. Keep�ng your slow cooker set to LOW, cook for 3-4 hours, g�v�ng the blueberry puree � good st�r every hour or so, �nd m�k�ng sure you repl�ce the l�d keep�ng �t cr�cked. After 3 hours check your butter. If �t �s �bout �t the cons�stency you w�nt, st�r �n the sug�r, honey, lemon ju�ce, lemon zest, c�nn�mon, nutmeg, �nd s�lt.

5. Ag��n repl�ce the l�d, keep�ng �t cr�cked, �nd cont�nue to cook on LOW for 1 f�n�l hour. If the butter �s not �s th�ck �s you would l�ke �fter the f�n�l hour, set the slow cooker to HIGH, remove the l�d completely, �nd cook for 30-45 m�nutes, st�rr�ng every so often to prevent the butter from burn�ng on the bottom.

6. OPTIONAL: If you w�nt � s�lky smooth butter: Use � food processor to puree the butter. Pl�ce � f�ne mesh str��ner over � l�rge m�x�ng bowl �nd use � l�dle to tr�nsfer butter to str��ner to remove �ny l�rge p�rt�cles.

7. Tr�nsfer butter to J�rs �nd secure w�th � l�d. Pl�ce �n the refr�ger�tor. Butter w�ll keep �n the fr�dge for one week.
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